Saturday, May 23, 2020

Staan alle soorten leningen - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2841 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Leningen Er zijn verschillende soorten leningen of kredieten. Hieronder staan alle soorten leningen. Kredieten die worden afgesloten zonder onderpand worden consumptieve kredieten genoemd. De leningen die worden besproken: Doorlopend krediet; Persoonlijke lening; Roodstand; Flitskrediet; Huurkoop; Postorderkrediet; Klantenkaart; Creditcard; Leasen; Voorschot effecten; Belening levensverzekering; Rentekrediet; Spaarkrediet; Tweede hypotheek Studieschuld [1] Doorlopend krediet Het doorlopend krediet wordt gebruikt als het van tevoren niet bekend is hoeveel geld er nodig is. Met een doorlopend krediet heeft men ook een ‘apart potje met geld binnen handbereik. Men krijgt een kredietlimiet tot een bepaald bedrag. Deze limiet is afhankelijk van onder andere de hoogte van het inkomen (en eventueel ook het inkomen van de partner), de vaste lasten en de gezinssituatie. Als men een keuken wil kopen, kan men het hele bedrag gelijk opnemen. Daarna begint men ook met aflossen. Iedere maand betaalt men dan een bepaald vast bedrag. Dit bedrag bestaat uit de rente à ©n de aflossing. Men kan de afgeloste bedragen ook weer opnemen. Als deze bedragen worden opgenomen is het bedrag wat aan rente wordt betaald hoger en blijft er dus minder over voor de aflossing. Hierdoor wordt de looptijd langer. De looptijd kan ook veranderen als het rentepercentage verandert, want de rente is variabel. Dus als de rente stijgt, blijft er minder over om af te lossen en wordt d e looptijd langer. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Staan alle soorten leningen" essay for you Create order Voordelen: Lage rente; Vast bedrag per maand, meestal 2% per maand; Aflossen zonder extra kosten; Afgeloste bedragen kunnen weer worden opgenomen; Er wordt alleen rente betaald over het opgenomen bedrag. Nadelen: Variabele rente; Geen vaste looptijd. [2] [3] [4] Persoonlijke lening Bij een persoonlijke lening leent men, omdat men eenmalig een groot bedrag nodig heeft, bijvoorbeeld voor een nieuwe computer en een (andere) auto. Men leent dan een van tevoren vastgesteld bedrag. Het maximumbedrag is afhankelijk van onder andere de hoogte van het inkomen (en het inkomen van de partner), gezinssituatie en de vaste lasten. De hoogte van de rente en de looptijd (meestal tussen de 6 en 60 maande) staan bij het afsluiten van de lening vast. Elke maand wordt een vast bedrag afgelost. In dit bedrag zijn de aflossing en rente verwerkt. De rente is een vast percentage, deze is dus ook hoger dan de rente die men betaald voor een doorlopend krediet. Voordelen: Vaste looptijd (einde van de lening); Vast rentepercentage; Vast bedrag per maand; Geen verassingen die zich voor zullen doen, mits het inkomen onveranderd blijft. Nadelen: Hoger rentepercentage; Afgeloste bedragen kan men niet opnemen. [5] [6] [7] Roodstand Bij roodstand is er een krediet gekoppeld aan de betaalrekening. Men kan dan toch betalen als het nodig is. Men kan vaak tot een bepaald bedrag rood staan op de betaalrekening. Deze kredietlimiet is afgesproken. De hoogte van de afgesproken kredietlimiet is afhankelijk van het inkomen, de vaste lasten en de gezinssituatie. Iedere keer dat men gebruik maakt van deze kredietmogelijkheid, betaalt men per maand een vast bedrag, met daarin de aflossing en de rente. De rente is variabel, hierdoor is er geen vaste looptijd. Ook kunnen de afgeloste bedragen weer worden opgenomen, waardoor ook de looptijd verandert. Als er is afgesproken dat men rood kan/mag staan, betaalt men bij roodstand een lagere rente, bij een ongeoorloofde roodstand is deze rente dus hoger. Voordelen: Direct beschikking over ‘extra geld; Afgeloste bedragen kunnen weer worden opgenomen; Vast bedrag per maand; Er wordt alleen rente betaald over het opgenomen bedrag. Nadelen: Variabele rente; Geen vaste looptijd. [8] [9] [10] [11] Flitskrediet Snel even wat geld, paar honderd euro, via internet of sms lenen. Het kan allemaal, een aantal bedrijven bieden dit soort leningen aan. Het zijn vaak relatief kleine bedragen, van een paar honderd euro, die men in een korte tijd weer moet terugbetalen. Men noemt deze leningen flitskrediet of minikrediet. Deze leningen vallen niet onder de wetgeving voor kredieten, doordat ze een korte looptijd hebben. Hier wordt dus door aanbieders handig gebruik van gemaakt. Waar normaal een vergunning van de AFM (Autoriteit Financià «le Markten) verplicht is, is het nu niet verplicht. Hierdoor zijn de voorwaarden op het gebied van deskundigheid en betrouwbaarheid niet van toepassing. Ook hoeven ze zich niet aan de zorgplicht te houden, waardoor deze bedrijven er niet voor hoeven te waken dat men te veel leent. Er hoeft geen rente betaald te worden over het flitskrediet, maar men moet wel bepaalde kosten betalen, bijvoorbeeld behandelingskosten. Deze behandelingskosten zijn bij een lening van ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬100,- tussen de ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬20,- en ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬25,-. Dit is maar over een paar dagen, dus de rente is zeer hoog. Het maximum rentepercentage is 18%, maar daar hoeven de aanbieders zich niet aan te houden, daarom zijn de behandelingskosten zo hoog. Voordelen: Snel geld; Kleine leningen. Nadelen: Hoge behandelingskosten; Korte looptijd, dus snel aflossen; Geen zorgplicht, deskundigheid, betrouwbaarheid. [12], [13] [14] Huurkoop Als iemand wil lenen voor een auto en hierna vraagt bij de autodealer, gaat het vaak om huurkoop. Nadat men een aanbetaling heeft betaalt, betaalt men het restant van de koopsom in termijnen. Men is pas eigenaar van de auto als men de laatste termijn heeft afbetaald. Het is dus een speciale vorm van koop op afbetaling. De koper wordt pas eigenaar als de laatste termijn is betaald. Als de koper de laatste termijn nog niet heeft betaald, mag hij het product niet verkopen of verhuren. De huurkoop is ook alleen geldig bij een schriftelijke overeenkomst. Bovendien wordt bij huurkoop vaak een hogere rente berekend dan bij andere financieringsvormen. Voordelen: Als het product kapot gaat, dan zijn de kosten voor de verkoper. Nadelen: Als men de maandelijkse aflossing niet kan opbrengen en men heeft minder dan 75% van het verschuldigde bedrag betaald, dan is men het product kwijt. Als het product niet genoeg oplevert om de schuld af te betalen, moet men de rest alsnog betalen; Hogere rente dan bij een lening van de bank. [15] [16] [17] Postorderkrediet Verschillende voorbeelden van postorderbedrijven zijn: Wehkamp, Neckermann of Otto. Deze bedrijven bieden verschillende producten aan via catalogussen en internet. Als men iets gekocht heeft, kan men de rekening in termijnen betalen, dit kan ook met lage bedragen. Dan wordt het een postorderkrediet genoemd. Bij een postorderkrediet kan men dus lage bedragen in termijnen betalen. Het is eigenlijk een doorlopend krediet van het postorderbedrijf. Men mag tot een bepaalde limiet aankopen doen. Als men een deel van de rekening heeft betaald, mag men weer opnemen of bestellen. De rente van een postorderkrediet ligt rond het wettelijk maximum.De rente voor een postorderkrediet is hoger dan voor een â€Å"gewone† lening bij een bank. Doordat men met een postorderkrediet makkelijk spullen kan aanschaffen en later pas hoeft na te denken over de betaling, is het verleidelijk om zaken aan te schaffen die men op dat moment nog niet kan permitteren. Voordelen: Men hoeft niet meteen te betalen, dat kan op een persoonlijk geschikt moment; Relatief klein bedrag, hoogte blijft overzichtelijk. Nadelen: Hoge rente. [18] Klantenkaart Bedrijven en winkels geven steeds meer klantenkaarten of winkelpasjes uit. Dit is te vergelijken met een creditcard. Voorbeelden van zulke klantenkaarten zijn de Ikea klantenkaart of de VD VIPbetaalkaart. Met een klantenkaart koopt men een artikel, om achteraf pas te betalen. Met een klantenkaart kan men soms ook in termijnen betalen. Als een deel van het bedrag betaald is, kan men weer nieuwe aankopen doen, tot aan een bepaalde limiet. Bij een klantenkaart wordt over het krediet een hoge rente berekend. Voordelen: Als klant met een klantenkaart zijn er vaak speciale acties met kortingen; Betalen met een klantenkaart is makkelijk; Kaart kost meestal niets. Nadelen: Doordat het makkelijk betalen is, geeft men meer uit dan verantwoord; Relatief hoge rente. [19] [20] Creditcard Creditcards worden door verschillende bankinstellingen creditcardorganisaties uitgegeven. Zulke bankinstellingen en creditcardorganisaties zijn Rabobank, ING, Master Card of Visa. Met een creditcard kan men in veel winkels, hotels en restaurants betalen, in binnen- en buitenland. Ook op internet kan men betalingen doen met een creditcard. Men kan met een creditcard betalen totdat een bepaalde limiet bereikt is. Deze bedragen worden binnen enkele weken afgeschreven van de rekening. Bij sommige creditcardorganisaties kan men de rekening in termijnen betalen. Dit is meestal duurder, omdat men een hoger rentepercentage moet betalen. Ook moet men een bepaald bedrag per maand of per jaar betalen voor het bezit van de creditcard. De creditcard kan vergeleken worden met een doorlopend krediet. Als met een creditcard wordt betaald, schiet de uitgevende maatschappij het bedrag voor. Later die maand moet de uitgave in een keer worden terugbetaald. Bij sommige creditcards kan ook gesp reid worden betaald. Voordelen: Maximale leenbedrag is vrij overzichtelijk; Bij sommige creditcards is de aankoop voor beperkte tijd. Nadelen: Vaak pas achteraf inzicht in de uitgaven; Krediettermijn van een creditcard is vrij kort: In à ©Ãƒ ©n keer terug betalen: maatschappij incasseert dan de uitgaven binnen een maand; Bij gespreid betalen een hoge rente. [21] [22] [23] [24] Leasen Met leasen wordt er een aantal jaren een vast bedrag per week of per maand betaald. De twee vormen van leasen zijn: financià «le leasing en operationele leasing. Financià «le leasing Deze manier lijkt veel op huurkoop. Het kan gebruikt worden bij bijvoorbeeld keukens of parket. In een leaseovereenkomst worden meestal bepalingen over onder andere onderhoud en garantie opgenomen. De uitgaven voor onder andere onderhoud en verzekering moet de huurder betalen. Aan het eind van de leaseperiode kan men vaak het product kopen tegen symbolisch bedrag. Pas als men het bedrag van de koopoptie heeft betaald, is men de eigenaar van het artikel. Als iemand de aflossing niet meer kan opbrengen, en minder dan 75% van de schuld heeft afbetaald, dan kan de leasemaatschappij het product opeisen. Voordelen: Leaseprijs is lager dan bij operationele leasing; Aan het eind van de contractperiode kan de huurder het productiemiddel cadeau krijgen of kan hij het voor een gering bedrag kopen. Nadelen: Uitgaven voor onder andere onderhoud en verzekering zijn voor rekening van de huurder. Operationele leasing Deze vorm van leasen is meer te vergelijken met huren. Wanneer het contract is afgelopen, is men bij operationele leasing geen eigenaar van het product. Dit product kan eventueel wel nog worden gekocht. Bij operationele research zitten de uitgaven voor onder andere onderhoud en verzekering in de leaseprijs inbegrepen. Ook kan de huurder de overeenkomst beà «indigen wanneer hij wil. Als men wilt kiezen tussen financià «le en operationele leasing, kan van tevoren worden bekeken of men van plan is het artikel uiteindelijk te kopen. Voordelen: De huurder kan de overeenkomst beà «indigen wanneer hij wil; Uitgaven voor onder andere onderhoud en verzekering zijn voor de rekening van de verhuurder. Geen risico van economische veroudering Nadelen: Leaseprijs is hoger dan bij financià «le leasing. [25] [26] [27] [28] Lenen met onderpand Voorschot effecten Men kan ook met effecten, die ze bezitten, als onderpand krediet krijgen. Het doel van het krediet ligt niet vast, het is maakt niet uit voor welk doel het geld wordt gebruikt. Dit geld wordt vaak gebruikt om nieuwe effecten te kopen. De rente is vaak lager dan bij een doorlopend krediet of een persoonlijke lening, dit komt doordat men een onderpand heeft. Men kan ongeveer 50 tot 80% van de waarde van de effecten lenen. Alleen als de koersen dalen, wordt het onderpand minder waard, de bank kan dan verzoeken het onderpand aan te vullen. Voordelen: Willekeurig doel; Lagere rente dan bij een doorlopend krediet of persoonlijke lening. Nadelen: Bij een daling van de koersen, onderpand is dan minder waard, kan de bank verzoeken het onderpand aan te vullen. Belening levensverzekering Belening van de levensverzekering is een beschikkingsrecht. Dit zijn de rechten die de verzekeringnemer aan een polis van de levensverzekering kan ontlenen. Belening van de levensverzekering is een lening met onderpand en het is alleen mogelijk als in de voorwaarden van de levensverzekering staat dat de polis te belenen is. De verzekeraar van de levensverzekering geeft het krediet. Het krediet dat men kan krijgen ligt tussen de 90% en 100% van de afkoopwaarde. Het krediet kan worden opgenomen tot uiterlijk de einddatum van de verzekering. Voordelen: Doordat het een lening met onderpand is, zal de rente relatief laag zijn. Nadelen: De levensverzekering moet wel een waarde hebben opgebouwd; Belening van een levensverzekering is alleen mogelijk wanneer het in [29] [30] [31] Rentekrediet Rentekrediet heeft veel weg van een doorlopend krediet. Het wordt vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben zoals bij een verbouwing of restauratie. Het verschil met een doorlopend krediet zit in de aflossing. Bij een rentekrediet is er namelijk geen aflossing, het is niet verplicht om maandelijks af te lossen. Men kan zelf bepalen wanneer er wordt afgelost. De maandlasten bestaan dus alleen uit de rente. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is dus niet vast, de looptijd kan soms zelfs oneindig zijn. Als men toch aflost, kunnen ze het afgeloste bedrag altijd opnieuw opnemen. De aflossingsvrije periode is meestal 5 jaar, dit is van tevoren vastgesteld. Na deze 5 jaar wordt gekeken of men in aanmerking komt voor nog een aflossingsvrije periode. Voordelen: Lage maandlasten; Afgeloste bedragen opnieuw opnemen; Boetevrij onbeperkt extra aflossen. Nadelen: Variabele rente; Geen vaste looptijd. [32] Spaarkrediet Een spaarkrediet lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het verschil met andere leningen is dat bij een spaarkrediet gebruik wordt gemaakt van een belastingvrij spaarplan. Vooraf wordt afgesproken hoeveel de maximale lening zal bedragen. Over dit bedrag wordt rente betaald. Per maand wordt ook een vast bedrag betaald. Hiermee wordt een kapitaal opgebouwd, waardoor aan het einde van de looptijd de lening afbetaald kan worden. Voordelen: Laag rentepercentage; Opnemen en storten wanneer het uitkomt. Nadelen: Vaak lange looptijd (minimaal 15 jaar) [33] Tweede hypotheek Wanneer men extra geld nodig heeft, kan men een tweede hypotheek afsluiten. Bij een tweede hypotheek wordt de overwaarde op de woning benut. Deze overwaarde kan ontstaan als de waarde van de woning gestegen is of als men een deel van de hypotheek heeft afgelost. De overwaarde is het verschil tussen de bestaande hypotheekschuld en de huidige verkoopwaarde van de woning. Voordelen: Lager rentepercentage door onderpand; Afgeloste bedragen zijn weer opneembaar. Nadelen: Bij het afsluiten van een tweede hypotheek komen ook de kosten van de notaris en de afsluitkosten er nog bij; Men moet de overwaarde kunnen laten zien. [34] [35] [36] Studieschuld Wat een student kan aanvragen is: Prestatiebeurs Lening Collegekrediet. Prestatiebeurs De studiefinanciering wordt uitbetaald in de vorm van een prestatiebeurs. Dit krijgt men eerst als een lening. Als men binnen tien jaar het diploma haalt dan zal de prestatiebeurs omgezet worden in een gift. Anders moet de prestatiebeurs worden terugbetaald. Lening Ook kan men naast de basisbeurs en aanvullende beurs een lening aanvragen. Het bedrag wat men kan lenen is afhankelijk van de woonsituatie en schooltype. Het rentepercentage over deze lening is 2,39%. Terugbetalen hoeft pas na de studie en daar mag 15 jaar over gedaan worden. Collegegeldkrediet Collegegeldkrediet (alleen voor hoger onderwijs) is een lening waarmee het collegegeld betaald kan worden. Het bedrag hangt af van het soort collegegeld dat men moet betalen. Men kan dus nooit meer lenen dan dat men aan het collegegeld moet betalen. Na de studie moet het collegegeldkrediet terug betaald worden. Voordelen: Laag rentepercentage; Terugbetalen hoeft pas na de studie. Nadelen: Schuld groeit tijdens studeren, omdat er niet wordt afgelost.[37] Folder ‘Lenen Rabobank Activa, deel 2, hoofdstuk 27, drs. R. van Valburch Activa, deel 2, hoofdstuk 27, drs. R. van Valburch

Monday, May 18, 2020

Java Syntax The String Literal

AString literal is a sequence of characters used by Java programmers to populate String objects or display text to a user. The characters could be letters, numbers or symbols and are enclosed within two quotation marks. For example, I live at 22b Baker Street! is aString literal. Although in your Java code you will be writing the text within the quotes, the Java compiler will interpret the characters as Unicode code points. Unicode is a standard that assigns all letters, numbers, and symbols a unique numerical code. This means that every computer will display the same character for each numerical code. This means that if you know the number values you can actually writeString literals using Unicode values: \u0049\u0020\u006C\u0069\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0061\u0074\u0020\u0032\u0032\u0042\u0020\u0042\u0061\u006B\u0065\u0072\u0020\u0053\u0074\u0072\u0065\u0065\u0074\u0021 represents the sameString value as I live at 22b Baker Street! but obviously its not as nice to write! Unicode and normal text characters can also be mixed. This is useful for characters you might not know how to type. For example, a character with an umlaut (e.g., Ä, Ãâ€") as in Thomas Mà ¼ller plays for Germany. would be: Thomas M\u00FCller plays for Germany. To assign aString object a value just use a String literal: String text So does Dr Watson; Escape Sequences There are certain characters that you might want to include into aString literal which need to be identified to the compiler. Otherwise, it might get confused and not know what the String value is supposed to be. For example, imagine you want to put a quotation mark within a String literal: So my friend said, Its how big? This would confuse the compiler because it expects allString literals to begin and end with a quotation mark. To get around this we can use what is known as an escape sequence - these are characters which are preceded by a backslash (in fact youve already seen several if you look back at the Unicode character codes). For example, a quotation mark has the escape sequence: \ So theString literal above would be written: So my friend said, \Its how big?\ Now the compiler will come to the backslash and know the quotation mark is part of theString literal instead of its end point. If youre thinking ahead youre probably wondering but what if I want to have a backslash in my String literal? Well, thats easy - its escape sequence follows the same pattern - a backslash before the character: \\ Some of the escape sequences available dont actually print a character to the screen. There are times when you might want to  display some text split by a newline. For example: The first line. The second line. This can be done by using the escape sequence for the newline character: The first line.\nThe second line. Its a useful way to put a little bit of formatting into oneSting literal. There are several useful escape sequences worth knowing: \t is for inserting tabs into the literal\b inserts a backspace\n inserts a newline\r inserts a carriage return\ inserts a single quotation mark\ inserts a double quotation mark\\ inserts a backslash Example Java code can be found in the Fun With Strings Example Code.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Why Driving and Cell Phones Do Not Mix Essay - 1544 Words

It seems as though it would be fairly obvious that talking and texting on a cell phone while driving is careless and extremely dangerous not only to the driver but also to others to others driving on the road as well. Cell phones cause distraction while trying to drive, and people are no longer just talking on their cell phones, they are also text messaging, and surfing the worldwide web. Many believe that hands-free devices could be a solution to this problem, but the fact is hands free devices are just as dangerous to use while driving as hand held cell phones. Because of this cell phones should be prohibited in order to help prevent accidents. Using a cell phone while driving clearly causes a distraction to the driver attempting†¦show more content†¦None were drunk. Drivers that were drunk at the 0.08 percent blood alcohol level drove a bit more slowly than both undistracted drivers and drivers using cell phones, they followed the pace car more closely, were twice as like ly to brake only four seconds before a collision would have occurred, and hit their brakes with twenty-three percent more force (â€Å"Drivers on cell phones†). The conclusion of the study found that drivers talking on a cell phone and driving are just as impaired as those driving drunk. Driving while distracted is a growing problem and anything that causes you to lose focus and not pay attention to the road while driving should not be done. While talking on your cell phone you are required to have one ear covered by the speaker of the device so that you can hear what the person on the other end is saying therefore, you are left with only one ear to hear what is going on around you. When you are on the road there are many things to listen out for, such as someone blowing their horn, sirens, or even accidents that could be occurring around you. If you only have one â€Å"undistracted† listening ear to hear what is going on around you while driving, there could pottentio naly be important sounds missed by the driver such as an ambulance or fire truck coming through and they need you to get over, or even the sounds of screeching tires in front of you due to a sudden stop.Show MoreRelated Cell Phones And Driving: Dangers Involved with Cell Phone Use While Driving1036 Words   |  5 Pagesbecause they do it so often. Talking on the cell phone and driving has become a very popular thing these days. Technology is coming out with the newest phones that can do everything for you and people are attracted to that. There are people that don’t have hands free and drive their car with only one hand, people that text and totally take their eye off the road and type conversations to each other. Bluetooth is another technological breakthrough where you wear an ear piece and can receive phone calls byRead MoreCellphones And Cell Phones Do Not Mix1128 Words   |  5 PagesTalking on the phone while driving is just as harmful as text messaging. Cars and cel l phones do not mix. A magazine entitled  ¨The real reason why cars and cell phones don t mix ¨ found a study that, phone conversations distracts us more than talking to a fellow passenger (2005, p. 15). There is a lot of people that may have thought talking is not distractive. But, there was research done that proves otherwise. The phone call can have a bad connection. According to the magazine, National InstituteRead MoreTexting And Dying : A Professional Football Player901 Words   |  4 Pagesa young woman who was texting while driving. This tragedy left Xzavier paralyzed from the diaphragm down (Hosansky). That same year the National Safety Council released a statement that 28 percent of all traffic crashes, about 1.6 million crashes per year, involved drivers talking on their cell phones or texting (Texting and Driving Don’t Mix). Young people are not the only culprits behind these calamities, but according to the 2010 Pew Research Center driving statistics, forty- seven percent ofRead MoreCell Phones While Driving1322 Words   |  6 PagesShould cell phone use be banned while driving? Since the mid–1990’s, cell phones have been a part of our daily lives. Cell phones allow us to communicate with anyone, anytime, and anywhere even while we are driving, they are convent and make our lives easier. But is it safe to use a cell phone to talk, text, take pictures, surf the web, etc. while driving? Many drivers, especially young drivers think so. Many drivers do not think that glancing down at a cell phone for a few seconds to send orRead MoreThe Dangers Of Texting While Driving1014 Words   |  5 PagesTexting While Driving Texting while driving has become a major problem in the United States. Many people lose their lives each year. It is sad because these deaths can be 100 percent prevented. No text, email, or social media status is worth dying for. The modern conveniences of smartphones allow us to have the world at our fingertips for business, education, and entertainment, however they have also increased distraction levels, and reduced verbal communication. The distractions, illegal issuesRead MoreSafe Driving Essay1146 Words   |  5 PagesTeens need to be taught that driving is a task that is complex and demanding. Parents know how much experience a young driver has, and they know exactly how inconvenient it is when they have to drive with their teen everywhere while they have their permit. Teens tend to cause most traffic accidents in adults’ eyes. They are not experienced yet, and often fail to pay attention to others on the road. They often think of a car as being some type of toy, but they do not know how powerful it reallyRead MoreCell Phones Can B e Dangerous2056 Words   |  9 PagesDriving can be very dangerous on its own without distractions but when you add driving while using a cell phone in the mix you have the perfect ingredients for a disaster. I believe cell phones are very dangerous while driving by using them for voice and especially texting and should be banned. Some reasons I believe this is when a driver is talking on the phone they are focusing more on the conversation than driving. The second reason is when your texting you are looking down and also not focusingRead MoreReliance on Technology1481 Words   |  6 Pagesand Conclusion Today, the world is more dependent on technology than ever before. More than 90% of Americans own a computerized device (Gahran, 2011). People received text messages and emails on their cell phones, go online to order food, cars are able to park themselves, and while driving, the lights are controlled by centralized computer system (Greenman, 1998). The truth of the matter is, that people have become so dependent on technology that they are not prepared for any type of serviceRead More The Use of Cell Phones While Driving is Dangerous Essay1808 Words   |  8 PagesAlthough cell phones have not been around for a very long time, they have become a key part of our lives. People use their cell phones for just about everything such as: texting, talking, schedule planning, internet surfing, etc. Sometimes we can even do two or more of these things at the same time. Unfortunately, people are also choosing the wrong time to be using their cell phones: while they are driving. As a soci ety, we have become so focused on how much we can do at one time that we areRead MoreI m Talking About The Unhealthy Addiction1615 Words   |  7 Pagessocial skills, learn relationship skills and learned empathic attitudes and these can be affected by less human interaction due to lack of availability.† According to studies, 70% of parents said their child hardly interacts with them because of their phones (unknown, 1). It’s important to value those connections, and unfortunately our youngest citizens take it for granted. Many recent parenting styles have become â€Å"kid based† or â€Å"child ruled†. â€Å"Since the 1980’s, parents have been increasingly involved

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Video Game Violence The Cause Of Violent Video Games

The Chapter 12 Social Psychology article mentioned that the cause of violent video games became an issue for public debate after teenagers and the main cause of this is the parallel effect. Based on the Studies done for violent video games correspond with individuals having violent acts. Also, young adolescents reveal that those who play a lot of violent video games become more aggressive and see the world as more hostile. The article also revealed that this acts would be a coincidence or a cause from playing violent videos. Additionally, researchers believe that the more active participation and rewarded violence of game play, violent video games have even greater effects on aggressive behavior and cognition than do violent TV shows and†¦show more content†¦The violent video game literature was not sufficiently large for Anderson and Bushman. All studies regardless of methodological features could bias the results in either a positive or negative direction, depending on whe ther the weaker studies tended to give spuriously positive or negative results. Furthermore, there are very serious methodological problems with some video game studies, especially some of the earlier ones conducted with children. Relevant studies were those that included data testing a possible link between exposure to violent video games and one of five types of outcome variable: aggressive behavior (defined as behavior intended to harm another person), aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, helping behavior, and physiological arousal. The journal article provides the strengthens and weaknesses behind the idea that violent video games can cause an individual to act aggressively and violent to the extremes of harming someone else. It continued to talk about the different perspectives and how to view this situation. For example: it mentions the methodological aspect in order this topic. Samples were tested and they were three different valid measures pf aggressive behavior so it was breaking each component from the original idea of violent video games can provoke someone to act aggressively.Show MoreRelatedViolent Video Games Cause Violence : Cause Of Violence And Video Games1377 Words   |  6 PagesLit. 27 November 2017 The Blame Game Statistically, 2017 has become the year with second lowest crimes rates since 1990, assuming there isn’t a big resurgence in violent crime between now and the end of the year (Bump). However, violent crimes continue to be a problem in modern-day America. Many have sought out to find out the root of these crimes and what causes them, and as a result, many different things have been cited as a cause for violence. Violent video games are said to be a possible sourceRead MoreViolent Video Games Cause Violence843 Words   |  4 PagesVideo games have been around for half a century when, the first simple tennis game was designed by William Higinbotham in 1958. Since then, video games have gotten more in depth, with better graphics and more options which include violent video games. Violent videos have gotten more popular with a better amount of variety including the franchise of Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Grand Theft Auto. These are the most common and popular video games and because of the violence in them debate has startedRead MoreViolent Video Games Cause Violence1906 Words   |  8 PagesEver since he started playing video games, like Call of Duty. Violent video games have been a battle that my family has been fighting for a few years now. My brother, started out small, playing Nintendo games and simple games like Crash. However, my brother has always had a slight anger management problem and even with easygoing games, he became furious when he lost. Because he has lofty dreams of winning every game possible, he will not stop. Now, with video games, like Call of Duty and God of WarRead MoreEssay on Violent Video Games Cause Violence? 1170 Words   |  5 Pagesand aggression is everywhere; in magazines, in the shops, on the TV, on websites like YouTube as well as in video games. Yet, why is it that those video games are assumed to be the biggest media source responsible for the violent outbursts of different individuals? Is this really the case? E very eight out of ten homes in the United Kingdom own a existing generation games console and video games have become a extraordinary source of education when helping kids to learn, such websites like educationcityRead MoreViolent Video Games Cause Youth Violence2030 Words   |  9 PagesVideo games have become increasingly popular among people of various ages. The more technology advances the more appealing video games seem to get with high definition graphics and better storylines. The first video game ever made was back in 1958, it was played on a Brookhaven National Laboratory oscilloscope, and it doesn’t hold a candle to the video games of today (Bellis par. 2). Video games have gone from big-chunky complicated systems to little-compact systems of entertainment. After the firstRead MoreViolent Video Games Do Not Cause Violence And Aggression1527 Words   |  7 PagesViolent Video Games Over the past few years, the United States has seen violence that has come from the inside of the country. Various high schools, have had shootings inside of them from some of the high school students that go to that specific school. Some experts blame the shootings by categorizing the students as someone who has been tormented and bullied basically most of life, while other experts believe the shootings were caused by the violence in video games. There has been a lot of nation-wideRead More Violent Video Games Do Not Cause Violence Essay3060 Words   |  13 Pages Do violent video games increase aggression in the people who play them? If so then video games could be responsible for much of the bad news we hear on television. Are video games responsible for school shootings? Do producers of video games need to tone down the violence? What will happen if video games become more and more violent and realistic? On the other hand, are video games to blame at all for the increase of violence in kids? When violence in video games started to increase, peopleRead MoreViolent Video Games Do NOT Cause Violence Essay1827 Words   |  8 Pagesblame video games as the target and cause of many shootings that have occurred, ever since Columbine and Quake. People have been blaming video games for violence for years now, ever since violent video games have been made. News reports blame video games more and more for each shooting, telling the public how this person played video games for x amount of hours a day, and that video games caused him or her to shoot people, and how video games encourage and reward violence. Anti-video game lobbyistsRead MoreViolent Video Games Cause Increased Violence Essay1855 Words   |  8 Pagesobjective of video games is to entertain people by surprising them with new experiences.† (Shigeru Miyamoto) Shigeru Miyamoto is the creator of some of gaming’s most iconic video game characters, Mario Jumpman Mario, Link and Donkey Kong; while also, serving as co-Representative Director of the game company, Nintendo and is highly respected. Miyamoto, based on the quote provided, feels that video games are meant to entertain people and nothing more. However, many people feel as though video games only causeRead MoreViolent Video games cause violence? I Think Not.1056 Words   |  5 PagesViolence is everywhere, in magazines in the shops, on the TV, on websites like YouTube as well as in video games. Yet, why is it that those video games are said to be the biggest media source responsible for the violent outbursts of different individuals? Is this really the case? Every eight out of ten homes in the United Kingdom own a current generation games console and video games have become a fantastic source of education when helping kids to learn, such websites like or the

Significant Health Care Event Free Essays

There have been several events that have helped to change and mold health care throughout history in the United States. Some influences that have are significant to benefit Americans and stay on track with the needs of Americans include society, culture, finance, religion, politics, technology, health trends, environment, and population (Shi Singh, 2012) Significant Event’s Relation to Health Care In the year 2011 there were many reports in the media regarding bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is a hormone-disrupting chemical linked to adverse health effects like cancer, infertility, diabetes, obesity and ADHD (Newbold, 2009) A large amount of BPA has been removed from water bottles as well as baby bottles. We will write a custom essay sample on Significant Health Care Event or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, the epoxy resin lining food cans was still a grave concern and widespread problem throughout the United States. A new study done during this time found BPA in several canned fruits, vegetables, and pasta treats consumed by many children. A Harvard study found that volunteers who consumed canned soup daily for five days had a 1,000 percent increase in urinary BPA (Datz, 2011). BPA is found in many foods and drinks ingested by Americans every day. It has also been proven to be found in sealants and dentistry composites used by dentists. Many countries have banned BPA use in baby bottles, sippy cups, along with other products primarily used by children. BPA has been used in the United States since the 1950s, and was approved as a food additive by the FDA at that time (Rust Kissinger, 2009). Personal Accountability for a healthier lifestyle Another event that has become more common in the United States is personal responsibility of each American to lead a healthier life that leads to a decrease in health care costs in the long run. Access to effective health care is an important component to many people as well as an important social responsibility. Americans as a society can find many ways to promote healthy environments and lifestyles. These ways include pollution control, occupational health, sanitation, preventative medical care and education, along with food and drug safety. Greater attention should be paid to strategies for health promotion other than access to healthcare, such as environmental and public health and health research (Resnick, 2007). The lifestyle of many Americans is the primary cause of the majority of illnesses in the United States. The leading causes of disease have been proven to be contributing factors to disease and death in the United States. Chronic diseases are the leading cause of disability as well as death in the United States and are on the rise. 7 out of 10 deaths among Americans each year are from chronic diseases. Heart disease, cancer and stroke account for more than 50% of all deaths each year (Kung, Hoyert, Xu, Murphy, 2005). More than one-third of all adults do not meet recommendations for aerobic physical activity based on the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, and 23% report no leisure-time physical activity at all in the preceding month, cigarette smoking is more prevalent in high school students as of 2007 with a reported percentage of 20%, and more than 43 million adults are cigarette smokers in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008). Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, and cigarette smoking causes almost all cases. Compared to nonsmokers, men who smoke are about 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer and women who smoke are about 13 times more likely. Smoking causes about 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80% in women. Smoking also causes cancer of the voice box (larynx), mouth and throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, cervix, and stomach, and causes acute myeloid leukemia (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2004). Chronic conditions that are caused by poor lifestyle choices ultimately create a huge burden on health care spending in the United States. The cost of health care spending for chronic conditions has increased the United States from $75 billion in 1970, $2. 6 trillion in 2010, and is expected to reach $4. 8 trillion in 2021. 75% of these costs is because of unhealthy lifestyles that lead to chronic conditions (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2011). General practitioners and insurance companies must focus more on educational resources related to preventative medicine and care to ensure citizens lead healthier lifestyles that will lead to longevity of life. This can be a difficult task as physicians are taught to uphold a creed to take care of all people who are ill, and Americans as a society are obligated to care for vulnerable citizens. There are no quick fix solutions. However, I believe that education can assist many Americans to strive more to live a better and healthier lifestyle in order to avoid disease and death from one of the many preventable chronic conditions. How to cite Significant Health Care Event, Papers

Enterprise System for Cyber Physical System -

Question: Discuss about theEnterprise System for Cyber Physical System. Answer: Enterprise systems integration with other organizational systems, cyber physical systems and scada systems are the systems that have been reviewed recently in this aspect. The components of scada are brought together such that the component systems are one system and an aggregation of the small subsystems are put together. Cyber-physical system (CPS) is used in organizations in a mechanism controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms, tightly integrated with the internet and its users. In cyber-physical systems, physical and software components are deeply intertwined, each operating on different spatial and temporal scales, exhibiting multiple and distinct behavioral modalities, and interacting with each other in a myriad of ways that change with context.[1] Examples of CPS include smart grid, autonomous automobile systems, medical monitoring, process control systems, robotics systems, and automatic pilot avionics.[2] CPS involves integration involves Trans disciplinary approaches, merging theory of cybernetics, mechatronics, design and process science.[3][4][5] The process control is often referred to as embedded systems. In embedded systems the emphasis tends to be more on the computational elements, and less on an intense link between the computational and physical elements. CPS is also similar to the Internet of Things (IoT) sharing the same basic architecture, nevertheless, CPS presents a higher combination and coordination between physical and computational elements.[6] Precursors of cyber-physical systems can be found in areas as diverse as aerospace, automotive, chemical processes, civil infrastructure, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, entertainment, and consumer appliances.[2] Cyber-physical models for future manufacturingwith the motivation a cyber-physical system, a "coupled-model" approach was developed.[25] The coupled model is a digital twin of the real machine that operates in the cloud platform and simulates the health condition with an integrated knowledge from both data driven analytical algorithms as well as other available physical knowledge. The coupled model first constructs a digital image from the early design stage. System information and physical knowledge are logged during product design, based on which a simulation model is built as a reference for future analysis. Initial parameters may be statistically generalized and they can be tuned using data from testing or the manufacturing process using parameter estimation. The simulation model can be considered as a mirrored image of the real machine, which is able to continuously record and track machine condition during the later utilization stage. Finally, with ubiquitous connectivity offered by cloud computing technology, the coupled model also provides better accessibility of machine condition for factory managers in cases where physical access to actual equipment or machine data is limited. These features pave the way toward implementing cyber manufacturing.[26][27] . (Garvey, 2014) said the cost varies because of the interfaces that subsystems are exporting. Scada Systems There is acronym for supervisory control and data acquisition, a computer system for gathering and analyzing real time data. SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a plant or equipment in organizations such as telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, oil and gas refining and transportation. A SCADA system gathers information and then sends inform of an integrated circuit in an organization such as where a leak on a pipeline has occurred, transfers the information back to a central site, alerting the home station that the leak has occurred, carrying out necessary analysis and control, such as determining if the leak is critical, and displaying the information in a logical and organized fashion. (Samuel, 2014) said with systems integrated using this method, it is possible to completely replace one subsystem with another subsystem. SCADA systems can be relatively simple, such as one that monitors environmental conditions of a small office building, or incredibly complex, such as a system that monitors all the activity in a nuclear power plant or the activity of a municipal water system. control system architecture that uses computers, networked data communications and graphical user interfaces for high-level process supervisory management, but uses other peripheral devices such as programmable logic controllers and discrete PID controllers to interface to the process plant or machinery. The operator interfaces which enable monitoring and the issuing of process commands, such as controller set point changes, are handled through the SCADA supervisory computer system. However, the real-time control logic or controller calculations are performed by networked modules which connect to the field sensors and actuators. (Peterson, 2013) said in the modern world connected by Internet, the role of system integration engineers is important: The SCADA concept is developed as a an organization application methodology means of remote access to a variety of local control modules, which could be from different manufacturers allowing access through standard automation protocols. In practice, large SCADA systems have grown to become very similar to distributed control systems in function, but using multiple means of interfacing with the plant. (George, 2012) said their expertise ranges from hands-on experience with technology and project management to the higher-level issues of business. They can control large-scale processes that can include multiple sites, and work over large distances.[1] It is one of the most commonly-used types of industrial control systems, however there are concerns about SCADA systems being vulnerable to cyber warfare/cyber terrorism attacks.[2] References George, L. (2012). Their expertise ranges from hands-on experience with technology and project management to the higher-level issues of business: Gotham press, Australia. Peterson, V. (2013). The modern world connected by Internet, the role of system integration engineers is important: Austria press, Australia. Garvey, C. (2014). The cost varies because of the interfaces that subsystems are exporting: Lowman press, Paris. Bibliography Peter Bernus and L. Nemes (ed.). (1995). Modelling and Methodologies for Enterprise Integration: Proceedings of the IFIP TC5 Working Conference on Models and Methodologies for Enterprise Integration, Queensland, Australia, November 1995. Chapman Hall. ISBN 0-412-75630-7. Peter Bernus et al. (1996). Architectures for Enterprise Integration. Springer. ISBN 0-412-73140-1 Fred A. Cummins (2002). Enterprise Integration: An Architecture for Enterprise Application and Systems Integration. John Wiley Sons. ISBN 0-471-40010-6 Charles J. Petrie (1992). Enterprise Integration Modeling: Proceedings of the First International Conference. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-66080-6 Kent Sandoe, Gail Corbitt, Raymond Boykin, Aditya Saharia (2001). Enterprise Integration. Wiley, ISBN 0-471-35993-9.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Knowledge Management and E Learning

Question: Discuss about the Knowledge Management and E Learning. Answer: Introduction: People are fast in changing their lifestyle, taste of choice, the art of living every minute keeping pace with this globalized world. Many types of changes has already occurred which has no similarity with the traditional procedure of those works. If the mode of learning is taken as the topic of discussion then it has already gone through several changes. The former pen and paper mode of learning is not being followed everywhere by now. The new process of learning that has emerged is named "E-Learning", in which one can learn things by internet surfing (Concannon et al. 2010, p.501). These types of learning help a student to learn from home which is the main merit of this learning process. From the Ford and Taylor scientific management e-learning material the two following blogs are written. The given e-learning material based on Ford and Taylor scientific management has shown the few important reasons due to which Ford Car is automobile industry mogul today. One of the key reasons is the time management technique used by the then efficiency expert of the organization Mr. Frederick Taylor. There was a use of the stopwatch to increase their tolerance level as he knows if there is no time bound target in a work the workers will put enough lethargy in their duty hours leading to the steady decline in productivity and progress. Knowing it well that it is natural human psychology and the no workers will deliberately do that, he bound them in time. Hence, such thinking has improved work efficiency in the better way (YouTube, 2016). One of them showed nearly four times hike in his efficiency to work than his previous work efficiency. Worlds fastest typist herself is the gift of that strict rule. Firstly the workers of that said the company never followed any haste to do their job, they usually did it very slowly though carefully. But it always takes a time bound hard work to flourish something. So they applied a hard work earn high pattern of a job (Duguay et al. 2013, p.1083). Even no employee is allowed to talk with any co-workers, and must leave a worker behind to complete his job if he is out of the work for some bio-breaks. This was the reason for an increase in their production thus could able to price lowering of the car. These changes get followed immediately with product sell hike and profit gain which brings extra bucks to the pockets of the workers. That was good news for them after much toil. British Airways as an organization on which the formerly said Taylors time management technique is being applied for the sake of discussion. It is known that no employee is going to take up extra pressure themselves (Drucker, 2010, p.79). So airways management board can impose some rules on employees such as they will have to come and start their respective jobs on time, they have to make sure that no flight delay due to any type of causality shown by the regarding staffs, if any seat is left vacant then a lot it as soon as possible to the passengers who need to board urgently. Such time bound and time obeying attitude can hike the number of efficient workers as well as the productivity. It will also help to increase the goodwill of the company which plays a major role in the progress and profit making a process of any business conglomerate. The material also showed the worker friendly attitude of Mr. Henry Ford, founder of Ford Cars company. It is quite natural phenomenon in every industry that they are always likely to be inclined towards the experienced workers (Witzel and Warner, 2015, p.45). But it was Mr. Ford who thought it in different style and his reason was no experience is needed to be an efficient worker; he just has to know best his portion of the work, rather knowing the whole procedure of manufacturing. He started to do this work by dividing the whole work into small parts and divided them into small group of workers; this helped to decrease the extra baggage of total manufacturing from the mind of the worker, so he now can just concentrate on his small part of job and increase his efficacy. Thus, the whole manufacturing steps were being done very attentively making the final product classy. In order to facilitate this process he thought further and invented worlds first manufacturing process using assembly line, at first it was manual then it assumed mechanical form and used to send the product chain wise to the workers who will do the next step of working on the partially finished material this reduced the wastage of time and energy of the worker due to changing their position here and there (Sallaz, 2014, p.299). This wise man also hiked workers remuneration to show gratitude towards their hard work as the company was flourishing, it was first of that kind from any company (Liebowitz et al. 2016, p.33). This worker friendly behavior inundated this organization with more application of workers around the world. British petroleum is taken as the organization on which the worker friendly behavior idea can be imposed. The workers of that company mainly handle with energy and petrochemical works. So the company need to give extra care on the safety of workers which will give them the support that company will take care of them in case of any workplace mishap. This mental support will help them to devote him properly and fearlessly to the work, giving rise to the productivity. Moreover, it is also a huge need to arm more safety measures in the whole unit so that the mishap can be avoided (Wang et al. 2010, p.1792). Apart from that, providing with more work friendly tools in the machinery will be good. It will reduce workers energy wastage; can better be used in his scheduled work. Conclusion: Thus, using an e-learning material proved to be fruitful. It shows that to flourish any industry it is necessity to take care of two things. First is the time need to be managed, so that work is completed in proper time. The second thing is workers friendly environment it is actually the environment in which they can work attentively and without any unwanted pressure which has no bearing on with his job. Reference List: Concannon, F., Flynn, A. and Campbell, M., (2010). What campusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ based students think about the quality and benefits of eà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ learning. British journal of educational technology, 36(3), pp.501-512. Drucker, P.F., (2010). Knowledge-worker productivity: The biggest challenge. California management review, 41(2), pp.79-94. Duguay, C.R., Landry, S. and Pasin, F., (2013). From mass production to flexible/agile production. International Journal of Operations Production Management, 17(12), pp.1183-1195. Liebowitz, J. and Frank, M. eds., (2016). Knowledge management and e-learning. CRC press. Sallaz, J.J., (2014). Labor and capital in the twenty-first century: Rereading Braverman today. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 26(4), pp.299-311. Wang, Y.S., Wang, H.Y. and Shee, D.Y., (2010). Measuring e-learning systems success in an organizational context: Scale development and validation. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(4), pp.1792-1808. Witzel, M. and Warner, M., (2015). Taylorism revisited: Culture, management theory and paradigm-shift. Cambridge Judge Business School Working paper number, 4(7), pp.45-78. YouTube. (2016). Ford and Taylor Scientific Management (Edited). [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016].