Thursday, October 31, 2019

RR13 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

RR13 - Article Example In my personal opinion, various books that address these concerns made for ESL learners have made intonation rules that are applicable to situations that are used in common or frequently encountered scenarios. â€Å"†¦..In this chapter we will treat both types of falling tones and both types of rising tones as interchangeable† (p. 2). Through this reading I can confirm that in a way, despite the differences in geographical area or location, teaching of intonation patterns to learners seems similar around the world. For instance, the manner in which a Swedish would raise and lower their voice is comparable to a Chinese or an individual from the Caribbean. In my teaching career I normally talk about arrows without really knowing how they work.   For instance, tones that are rising and then abruptly falling tones, how would they be distinguished using arrows from those that are leveled in intonation. The confusion originates from other chapters and I find it difficult to relate it to the current reading specifically with regard to the use of arrows for pitch movements. In addition, towards the end of the page in chapter four the examples given have arrows at the start of the tone unit as opposed to my understanding that they should be at the right just before the tonic syllable like was the case in previous chapters.   This forms the basis for my second question. 2) What makes these transcriptions

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Problem Identifier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Problem Identifier - Essay Example The quality of care availed to clients seeking medical attention and care in this institution is of utmost importance. The hospital staff ensures ethical considerations in evaluating, examining, and in making health care related resolutions geared towards the improvement of services. As it is common knowledge, being admitted in a hospital is no joke and is therefore hard and complicated to both the patient and family members. In consideration of these factors, observing and respecting the needs and requirements of the patients is important (Rosner, 2007). This paper describes ethical issues as a challenge to the Mount Sinai administration. Rosner (2007) further asserts that before any treatment commences, it is important for a health care practitioners administering care to ensure that all personal and medical information associated and as well provided by the patient is treated with utmost confidentiality. Certain well established health institutions such as Mount Sinai further acts as training institutions for students aspiring to become doctors as well as other practitioners. These institutions are also target by international bodies involved in conducting health related research. In such case, it is very difficult to main confidentiality of patients’ information. This is one of the challenges that I faced by the administration in Mount Sinai Hospital. ... There is certain information regarding a patient that can bring negative consequences. For instance, individuals suffering from HIV/AIDS are sometimes stigmatized. Making public the HIV status of an individual can therefore lead to stigmatization. Maintaining confidentiality of patients’ records is regarded beneficial as it avails or presents clients with safe and comfortable surrounding that encourages them to seek for medical attention. It is very difficult for people to seek medical attention in a particular health institution if they are aware of the fact that their personal medical information will fall into the hands of the public. An individual is also likely to open up completely to a physician if s/he is sure that his/her medical information will be treated with utmost confidentiality (Title, 2000). It is also important to posit that confidentiality boosts the confidence of individuals seeking treatment and it is also a means of articulating value, admiration, and hig h opinions towards patients. Extent and impact Researchers have always inquired for patient’s information for methodical investigations every other day in this health institution. Students are always involved in the treatment and decision making processes of patients’ care because it is the only way they can learn and gain medical experience. There are few cases where these learners and researchers have been involved in diverging private information regarding the patients either intentionally or unintentionally. Breach of confidentiality has its disadvantages or impacts. Physicians and other medical practitioners found guilty of breaching confidentiality in a court of law are punished and their medical license can be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

What is dyslexia?

What is dyslexia?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has been 100 years since the first case of developmental dyslexia was described. Hitherto numerous researches had shed light on the causes and consequences of this disorder but the debate concerning its definition is still highly contented. In this essay, I will first answer the question of what is dyslexia and then move to the debate of whether it has a genetic basis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Firstly, I will introduce what has been done in the early research of dyslexia and then tried to find a definition for us to understand dyslexia properly. Secondly, I will introduce the research for supporting the view that dyslexia has a genetic basis. 1.1 Early history of research on dyslexia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reading, a complex behavior that requires a set of cognitive skills, has been highly valued by society and is a key component to education. An inability to read has profound social and psychological consequences. Several scholars in the 19th century studied the loss of the ability to read or understand writing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kurrmaul in 1877 describe the reading difficulties of literate brain-damaged patients as word-blindness. It is only in 1887 that a German ophthalmologist, R Berlin, first used the word ‘dyslexia to describe reading difficulties caused by cerebral disease or injury. However, having read articles published by Hinshelwood in the 1890s and early 1900s, W.P Morgan (1895) points out that a patient can be suffering from dyslexia without cerebral disease or injury. He quotes the case of a boy who has reading difficulties even though he has suffered no apparent brain damage. Though for a long time, the problem of dyslexia is widely studied, dyslexia was not a common knowledge for more than half a century and the concept of dyslexia was not familiar and unclear to many people. People need to understand what dyslexia is in order to help ones inflicted with the disease. 1.2 The definition of dyslexia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dyslexia is a neurological disorder with a genetic origin and behavioral signs which extend beyond problems of written language. Early research confined the dyslexia into a medical model and thus clinical practice fail to distinguish a dyslexia patient from normal readers. In the 1968 World Federation of Neurology meeting, a definition of dyslexia formally introduced and stated that dyslexia is a disorder manifested by difficulty in learning to read despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence and socio-cultural opportunity. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities which are mostly of constitutional origin. Many scholars criticize this definition. Firstly, the terms are vague as there are insufficient examples to illustrate conventional instruction or to point out the criteria of adequate intelligence and to explain the meaning of socio-cultural opportunity. These scholars point out that the biggest weakness of this definition is exclusio n. The definition only states what a person with dyslexia should not be and does not include criteria for its positive diagnosis other than to state that it is a reading difficulty dependent on fundamental cognitive disabilities (Snowling, 2004). Although its definition debatable, it is applied by the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders and the international classification of mental and behavioral disorders for many years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Researchers have never stop on the medical model. Without positive diagnosis criterion, doctors cannot differentiate children with specific reading difficulties and children who have reading difficulties because of a more general learning problems. Scholars have adopted tests through the comparisons of verbal IQ (intelligence quotient) and performance on reading tests of children with reading retardation and skilled reader in a hope that it could identify the children with dyslexia. Nonetheless, a number of findings such as Morton and Frith (1995) highlighted that it is not correct to assume that literacy problems are the only symptoms of dyslexia. These tests are purely behavioral definitions and the diagnosis is relative. For instance, there are many examples that show discrepancies with the predictions carried out by those researches. Some dyslexia children after receiving highly effective training in decoding non-words would score well and many children with r eading problems can improve their reading ability by having a better relationship with their teachers. Overly depending on these tests as a short cut to diagnosis would run the risk of excluding dyslexic children with reading problems and involve children who only show mild positive signs of dyslexia. The definition that concerns dyslexia as synonymous with specific reading difficulty has failed to be self evidence because it only focuses solely on reading and IQ-test performance and other tests.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One way out of this dilemma is to consider dyslexia as a disorder that has multi-levels of description. Rutter and Yule (1975) pointed out that the specific reading retardation is usually multi-factorially determined opposed to the claim that dyslexia is a unitary condition. Being a developmental disorder, dyslexia can be expected to have behavioral features that will change with maturation and response to environmental interactions (cf.Bishop, 1997). It may therefore be unrealistic to agree upon a simple and unchanging definition of dyslexia. Frith (1997) argued that there are causal links from brain to mind to behavior that must be considered when attempting to understand dyslexia. It is important to seek explanations at the three different levels in this causal chain namely the biological, the cognitive and the behavioral, in order to develop a comprehensive theory of why some children fail ‘unexpectedly&tsquo; to learn to read(Morton and Frith, 1995). Mo reover, the environmental factors will act as a stimulus to intensify or meliorate the condition of these three levels.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The common ground of the study of dyslexia, agrees that dyslexia is a neuro-development disorder with a biological origin and behavioral signs which extend far beyond problems of written language (Frith, 1997). The idea of dyslexia as a syndrome with a neurological basis springs from the work of Tim Miles, Elaine Miles and many intelligent students. It helps to solve the paradoxes that exist in defining dyslexia. Morton and Frith (1997) had developed a framework with three levels and environmental influence in a neutral view to describe a descriptive definition of dyslexia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The past 15 years have seen a continuing increase in research effort aimed at identifying the biological underpinnings of dyslexia. Galaburda (1989) demonstrated abnormal symmetry in the structure of the planum temporal; Livingstone et al. (1991) identified cellular migration abnormalities in the magnocellular system of the brain which have been related to behavioral findings by Cornelissen et al.(1995). Genetic linkage studies with dyslexic families have identified regions on chromosomes 15, 1 and recently 6 (Cardon et al., 1994). Thus, restricting the discussion to behavioral observation is no longer necessary. This gap has been widened by cognitive neuro-science which insists that there is a space for the scientific study of the mind and brain and not just behavior (Frith, 1995). Cognitive level of explanation can be a bridge that links brain and behavior together. Cognitive abilities can be explained by Cognitive theories through observable behavior. The poor reading performance can be termed as a cognitive dysfunction which in turn can be explained by a brain dysfunction. In addition, this causal links chains from brain to mind to behavior has to be set within the context of environmental and cultural influences. Figure2(Mortan and Frith 1995)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An illustration of the causal modeling of dyslexia with the hypothesis of a phonological deficit hypothesis now shows in figure 2. In this figure, Morton and Frith in 1995 argued that when we try to explain a developmental disorder, we have to make a distinction between different levels of description. In the biological level and environmental level, we can look for causes and cures and in the behavioral level we can observe and assess the patient. Then the cognitive level lies in between these levels and have links with the rest of the levels. Here, the intuitive clinical impression can be captured and that the presenting disorder is a distinct and recognizable entity despite variable symptoms. This notation enables different theories about a disorder to be represented in a neutral fashion (Frith, 1995). The proposal of a phonological deficit as the cognitive basis of dyslexia has a strong theoretical and empirical support that it has been widely accepted. Starti ng on the biological level of figure 2, it is supposed that there is a congenital dysfunction of left-hemisphere perisylvian brain areas which affects phonological processing (Galaburda, 1989; Paulesu et al., 1996; Rumsey et al., 1992). Furthermore, the evidence for a genetic origin of dyslexia is increasingly compelling (Pennington, 1990). However, this theory also has its pitfalls. One of the biggest weakness of the phonological theory is it does not effectively explain the occurrence of sensory and motor disorders in dyslexic individuals. People who support the phonological theory typically have dismissed these disorders as not part of the core features of dyslexia. They consider their co-occurrence with the phonological deficit as potential markers of dyslexia instead of treating them as a causal role in the aetiology of reading impairment (Snowling, 2000).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the domain of neauro-cognitive causes study of dyslexia, there are two other theories: the cerebellar theory and the magnocellular theory. The former one is that the dyslexics cerebellum is mildly dysfunctional and that a number of cognitive difficulties ensue, whereas the latter one postulates that the magnocellular dysfunction is no restricted to the visual pathways but is generalized to all modalities (Ramus et al, 2003). These three theories do not contradicted each other but potentially compatible. When it refers to the cognitive level, three theories imply a processing deficit. Fast temporal processing may be a basic characteristic of all perceptual systems, visual as well as auditory, object-based as well as speech-based. On the other hand, the slower-than- normal perceptual processing might affect the development of a phonological system (Frith, 1997). 1.3 Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Any definition should be seen as a hypothesis and to be rejected if future findings disprove it. As Tim Miles said that, a diagnosis of dyslexia is, in effect, a sort of bet. The definition in the framework of biological, cognitive and behavioral level within the interaction of cultural influences depict the dyslexia as a neuro-developmental disorder with a biological origin, which affects speech processing with a range of clinical manifestations (Frith, 1997). In this definition, it appears that the cognitive level of description provides a unifying theory of dyslexia. Such a theory is necessary to pool together the numerous different observational strands in this most intriguing and subtle disorder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the discussion of definition issues in dyslexia, we turn to focus on the approval that dyslexia has its genetic basis. We will first look at the study of heritability in dyslexia and then to talk about the genetic findings for supporting dyslexia has a genetic basis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The rapidly accumulating evidence suggests that developmental dyslexia is one of many common familial disorders. The genetic explanations of dyslexia are rather convinced by research that uses the newly genetic techniques and statistical methods in the genetic study of dyslexia. Although most findings cannot be replicated as there are many variants need to be identified. We still can believe that dyslexia has a genetic basis by the evidence of the genetic study of dyslexia. 2.1 Famaliality of Dyslexia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The question of whether dyslexia has a genetic basis has been studied for a very long time. Numerous researches have been conducted. Among them, there are a number of findings that suggest developmental dyslexia is hereditary. Orton in 1925 hypothesizes that children born in a family of dyslexia have great chance of being dyslexia. According to a recent estimation made by Gilger, Pennington and Deferies in 1991, the risk of a son with a dyslexia father to be a dyslexia is approximate 40% and about 36% if the mother is dyslexia. Moreover, if both parents are affected, the risk and severity of dyslexia in the child would greatly increase. Nevertheless, for the girls, this ratio is relatively lower, at about 20% regardless of the gender of the affected parent (Childsfinucci,1983;DeferiesDecker,1982;Pennington,1991).However,the higher familial aggregation of reading problems is insufficient to prove that dyslexia has genetic basis. The environment shared by families a re strongly influence their reading ability. 2.2 Twins Studies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The twins studies can help us understand the complexity of the interaction between genes and environment in some degree. The first kind of twin studies is the comparison of concordance rates that could evaluate the hereditary basis of dyslexia as a clinical condition. The second evaluates the reading performance of twins for estimating heritability coefficient by analyzing various indicators of reading performance. Thus, it is important to diffrentiate these two types of twin studies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first kind of twin study of dyslexia, researchers compared the concordance rates in monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs the identical twin pairs and dizygotic(DZ) twin pairs the fraternal pairs. Regression counted in the research dues to the assessment of environmental factors and its interaction with genes in reading disabled. The results show that at least one member of every pair had reading problems. Moreover, MZ has a higher concordance for reading disability than in DZ twin pairs (Hermann, 1959; Zerbin-Rudin, 1967;Decker and Vandenberg,1985). By comparing the findings of the concordance rates in twin pairs we can imply that developmental dyslexia has a genetic aetiology.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the second type of twin pairs, a vast number of studies have reported MZ and DZ twin correlations for various measures of reading performance (Grigorenko, 1996). MZ correlations implied the presence of genetic influence through the comparison with DZ correlations. However, heritability estimates are varied. Some of the variability can be due to the fact that the sample size of those main researchers was relatively small. In addition, some twin studies suggest that only certain reading-related skills are inherited. Thus it has been shown that word recognition, phonological coding show important genetic influence, whereas reading comprehension and orthographic coding do not (Olson, Wise,Conners,Rack,Fulker, 1989). Because the latter one significantly influenced by the environmental factors. 2.3 Pattern of Transmission of Dyslexia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Researchers had conducted a number of segregation analyses, fitting different statistical models corresponding to various patterns to investigate the transmission of genes in families with reading disability. Some observers have concluded that familial dyslexia is transmitted in an autosomal (not sex-linked) dominant mode (Childs Finucci, 1983; Hallgren, 1950), whereas others have found only partial (Pennington et al.,1991) or no support for an autosomal or codominant pattern of transmission. These findings were interpreted as suggesting that specific reading disability is genetically heterogeneous (Finucci et al.,1976; Lewitter, DeFries, Elston, 1980). In here, Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping also has been applied (Cardon et al., 1994;Fulker et al.,1991) in order to localize individual genes that contribute to the development of dyslexia. 2.4 Genetic Localization   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The researchers passionately set an ultimate goal of genetic study that is to locate and isolate the responsible gene for dyslexia. Once the genes responsible for dyslexia is located, the protein product encode by the gene may permit a physiological explanation for its role in normal processes or diseases and finally contributed to a gene therapy for dyslexic. However, some researchers like Snowling (2000) consider the location of genes is a wide goose chase. The human genome has a rough estimation of about 35 000 genes which distributed over 3 billion bp of DNA and half of them is related to brains. Even when researchers limited the number of candidate genes to screen by using different biological hypotheses, they still need to work with thousands of genes. Thus, considering the risk of failing to match any given hypothesis, researches adopt the linkage and association analysis these two types of mapping strategies. The principle underlying both genetic linkage a nd association mapping is to test for non-random relations between phenotypic similarity across many individuals and haplotype sharing between them. With more generations the analysis become more powerful and accurate because each meiosis provides another opportunity for spurious genotype-phenotype relations to decompose. Linkage analysis refers to the analysis of individuals for whom family relations are known, whereas association analysis is used for large samples of unrelated individuals. Now, linkage analysis is generally less effective than association analysis in detecting genotype-phenotype relations within a study sample size. However, linkage mapping can be done with much fewer genetic markers and is hence easier to use in practice than association analysis. Genome-wide linkage can be carried out by analysis of about 400 highly polymorphic DNA markers. By contrast, association mapping has the power to focus on the specific causal DNA variants that influence phenotype variab ility but in most case it must use much more times that use to analyse DNA polymorphisms then linkage mapping used.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using current molecular techniques of linkage analysis to carefully study selected family trees of dyslexic individuals in which developmental dyslexia reoccurs in different generations, some early results showed that a major gene for dyslexia was located on the short arm of chromosome 15 (Pennington et al.,1991;Smith, Pennington, Kimberling, Ing,1990). Fulker and his colleagues in 1991 replicated the same result of chromosome 15 though selecting a sample of siblings with reading problems in the study of original extended-family. Others like Lubs in 1991, Rabin in 1993 and Cardon in 1994 did not find the same results.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From a recently review of genetic study of dyslexia, we can see that the candidate genes DCDC2 the double cortin doman containing protein 2 and K1AA0319 show strongest links to the dyslexia among severely affected individuals. However, the candidate genes chromosome 15 and ROBO1 roundabout Drosophila Homolog of 1, which were identified through breakpoint mapping in Finnish patients, seem to be less involved in the development of dyslexia across different populations. However, their research is limited to a few families in the Finnish population and to date, no specific cognitive processes are known to be influenced by the proposed susceptibility genes. Some studies have already started to include neurophysiological and imaging procedures in their phenotype characterization of patients. The molecular genetic studies conducted so far have not considered gender-specific genetic effects. A satisfactory power to detect such effects can be provided only when gender is t aken into account during the analysis of results, and this should be a feature of future studies (Schumacher et al, 2008) 2.5 Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although, scientific research has yet to prove that dyslexia is a gentic disorder, many researchers and evidence have show that it is a high possibility. In my opinion, dyslexia is a genetic disease and its symtoms can be aggravated or mitigated by the environment. Nevertheless, more research into the correlationship of the genetic factor and the environment needs to be conducted to verify this claim. Reference: Beaton,A.A(2004). Dyslexia, Reading and the Brain: a sourcebook of psychological and Biological Research. East Sussex: Psychology Press. Francks.C, MacPhie,L.I, Monaco,P.A(2002). The genetic basis of dyslexia. Lancet Neurology 2002, 1, 483-490. Frith.U(1999). Paradoxes in the definition of dyslexia. Dyslexia, 5, 192-214. Hulme. C,Snowling.M(1997). Dyslexia: biology, cognition, and intervention. San Diego: Singular Pub. Miles,E.(1995).Can there be a single definition of dyslexia? Dyslexia, 1, 37-45. Raskind, H.W (2001). Current understanding of the genetic basis of reading and spelling disability. Learning Disability Quarterly, 24(summer), 141-157 Olson, R.K(2002). Dyslexia:nature or nurture. Dyslexia, 8(3), 143-157 Ramus. F, Rosen.S, Dakin,C.S, Day,L.B., Castellote,M.J., White.S Frith.U(2003). The theories of developmental dyslexia: insights from a multiple case study of dyslexic adults. Brain, 126, 841-865. Sladen,K.Brenda(1970). Inheritance of dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia. 20(1), 30-40. Snowling,J.M(2000), Dyslexia. Massachusettes: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Siegel,L.S.(1992). An evaluation of the discrepancy definition of dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilites,25, 618-629. Sternberg,J.R Spear-Swerling.L(1999). The perspectives on learning disabilities. Colorado: Westview Press. Schumacher. J., Hoffmann. P, Schmal. C, Schulte-Korne. G, Nothen,M.Markus(2007). Genetic of dyslexia: the evolving landscape. J med Genet 2007, 44, 289-297. Wood, B. F., Grigorenko, L.E (2001). Emerging issues in the genetics of dyslexia: a methodological preview. Journal of learning disabilities, 34(6), 503-511

Friday, October 25, 2019

Charles Dickens :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Charles "David Copperfield" Dickens (1812 - 1870) Charles John Huffam1 Dickens was born 7 February 1812, second child of John and Elizabeth Dickens. The family would eventually number seven children, plus a son who died in infancy, and since neither parent seemed able to economize, things were generally very hard financially for the family. Charles attended school for a time in Kent, where the happiest days of his childhood were spent, but when the family moved to London in 1822, Charles was simply never re-enrolled in school, and was left to wander London largely unattended2. When the oldest child, Fanny, was sent to the Royal Academy of Music for training as a pianist, Charles, then 12, was deemed old enough to work to help pay the family expenses. So, for six months, he worked in a factory pasting labels onto containers of shoe polish. While there, John Dickens was thrown into debtor's prison, and released a few months later under the Insolvency Act3. It was a feud between John Dickens and the factory owner that eventually got Charles out of the factory and back in school, though Elizabeth tried her best to make him go back, which Charles never quite forgave her for. The factory experience will show up again and again in Charles' novels, and it also left him with something of a phobia about being dirty. In 1827, Charles left school again, more voluntarily this time, and took work as a law clerk, and then a parliamentary reporter. Though he also toyed with the idea of taking the stage (he loved amateur theatricals all his life), he eventually starts writing sketches for two of the London newspapers4, publishing them under the name 'Boz'. In 1835, now quite well-established in his sketch-writing, Charles proposed to Catherine Hogarth, daughter of George Hogarth, who had been advisor to Sir Walter Scott. They married in April of 18365, and the sweet-tempered Catherine generally allowed Charles to take charge of everything, including even the eventual naming of their children. That same year, Charles's began writing The Pickwick Papers, and suddenly he was famous. Imitations of Pickwick appeared everywhere. The now firmly upper-middle-class Charles still has many family problems, however. His father is still in debt more often than not, even going so far as to try to borrow money using his son's name, and Charles ends up paying most of John's debts.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mother to Son by Langston Hughes Essay

â€Å"Mother to Son†, published in 1922 by Langston Hughes, was one of the most famous poems he had written. Hughes was African-American and was born in 1902. While living in the 1900’s Hughes and his family experienced the hardships of racism, discrimination, and slavery. Therefore, this poem is not only words of encouragement from a mother to a son, but also words of encouragement to the entire African American community. This poem of inspiration let the community know that the difficulties that they all had to endure at the time were felt by all and that they were not alone in the struggle. Hughes wrote this from the standpoint of a mother encouraging her son to keep going no matter what hardships he may experience. She explained that life is hard and he is not the only one who has had to endure the experience of life’s hard lessons. The poem passes on a message from a mother to her son instructing him that he must remain optimistic despite the obstacles that life can bring. The mother compares her life to a set of old broken down wooden stairs. Using the metaphor that â€Å"life for me has not been any set of crystal stairs† (2, 20), she implies to her son that her life has not been easy or pleasant either. The mother continues to tell her son of the obstacles that she has overcome by describing the old wooden stairs. She says â€Å"it has had tacks in it and splinters and boards torn up and places with no carpet on the floor – bare.† (3-7) The tacks on the stairs were placed there by another person representing the wrong doings to her by another person and the splinters may have been the result of her actions. These tacks and splinters symbolize the cruel reality of life, as opposed to the ideal fantasy life, such as having a set of â€Å"crystal stairs†. Through the voice of the mother, Hughes uses the set of stairs as a metaphor for life and the hardships that they can bring. In spite of these obstacles the mother has moved up the stairs and has overcome them. She tells him she has â€Å"been a climbin’ on, and reachin’ landin’s, and turnin’ corners, and sometimes going in the dark when there ain’t been no light† (9-13). She means here that sometimes she was blind to where the  stairs or her life was leading her and the direction was unknown, but she still continued. The mother continues to encourage her son by telling him â€Å"not to turn back or set down on the steps ’cause you finds it’s kinder hard† (14-16). She is telling her him not to give up regardless of how hard things may seem at the time and if he continues on he will eventually overcome these obstacles that are causing him such despair. She believes that once you stop it is harder to get started again and she encourages him by telling him how she’s â€Å"still goin, honey and I’se sill climin’ and that life for me ain’t been no crystal stair† (18-20). She also tells him that she has made it and still has to encounter these obstacles even in her golden years and she did not give up and has not given up and if she is strong enough to make it then so can he. Through a mother’s voice Hughes uses metaphors, symbolism, and imagery. He also conveys a message of encouragement. Durring the time this he wrote this poem the message may have been directed towards the African American community; however, today the message is directed to all who feel like giving into the hard times that life can and will bring. Hughes also reminds us that we are not alone in these hard times and that everyone experiences the same hard times in some form or another. Langston Hughes’ died in 1967; I hope he knew that this poem spoke words of encouragement not only to the African American race but also to the rest of us needing some inspiration. His poem reminds up to be hopeful and to not give up on ourselves.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Application for Gaining Admission to a Course in Optometry in the SCCO

It is my heartfelt objective to study in the graduate school of the Southern California College of Optometry or the SCCO, in order to be awarded the degree of Doctor of Optometry. Some of my reasons for choosing the SCCO are that it has a highly erudite and accessible faculty, who are always willing to bestow their personal attention to the genuine needs of their students.Further, I came to know about the high academic standards that are always maintained at the SCCO from a student who is in her final year of graduation at the SCCO. Moreover, the SCCO has had a formidable reputation for excellence in education for several years; therefore, I am totally convinced that I will acquire an excellent clinical and didactic education at this school.Another reason for my choice is that I am endowed with an open and inquisitive mind, which would be of immense benefit in this school, because it imparts to students the latest technological changes in their field of study.Since, I am committed to devoting a lot of effort and time to acquiring knowledge in this field of study; I will be benefitted to a very great extent, as this school makes the maximum effort possible to help students to succeed in their chosen field of study.Furthermore, I am highly desirous of studying this course at this school for the reasons appended in the sequel. The avowed goal of the Doctor of Optometry, a four year course, is designed to groom primary health care professionals who are well versed with the latest technological developments in their field of study.Every student of this course is given thorough training in anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, clinical patient care and practice administration and management. In addition, there are several clinical programs on offer, which ensure that students become proficient in a number of health care delivery systems and in succoring patients hailing from a variety of social, economic, racial, ethnic and educational milieu (Why attend S CCO?).In addition, the SCCO offers clinical programs that contain patient encounters, which are unique and progressive. Such programs are the best on offer in Optometry education. Moreover, the faculty of the SCCO comprises of erudite scholars in the basic sciences and clinical medicine.These faculty members are not only highly qualified but also highly experienced in their field of specialization. This unique combination of knowledge and experience proves to be extremely beneficial to the students of optometry in the SCCO (Why attend SCCO?).The extent to which the faculty members involve themselves with their students can be evaluated from the fact that these faculty members work very hard to make the students acquire a mastery over optometry and to this end they encourage personal interaction, exchange of ideas and discussions on the outlook of the students towards their chosen profession.  In all these endeavors, an undercurrent of total professionalism is always evident (Why a ttend SCCO?).Moreover, students at SCCO constitute a highly privileged class. These students come from a vast array of cultural, educational and geographical backgrounds and therefore, they are provided with an excellent opportunity to acquire a large amount of social knowledge.Further, students learn in an atmosphere of health and keen competition, due to the proliferation of class notes, study groups and review sessions. It goes without saying that this competition enables the students to perform at their optimum academic level (Why attend SCCO?).In addition, there are a number of activities, in which students are persuaded to engage in. Some of these are intercollegiate contests and competitions, activities that relate to the community, service activities, lectures, social functions and fraternal activities. These activities help the students to become highly proficient in interacting with society and each other (Why attend SCCO?).The above features, which are made readily availa ble to every student at SCCO, make it extremely beneficial and attractive to study at the SCCO. It is an indisputable fact that The SCCO has rendered and continues to render yeoman service in the field of optometry education. Therefore, it is my earnest desire to participate and contribute my mite to this endeavor.ReferencesWhy attend SCCO? (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2007, from Southern California College of

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Amish and Australian Culture similarities and differences Essays

Amish and Australian Culture similarities and differences Essays Amish and Australian Culture similarities and differences Paper Amish and Australian Culture similarities and differences Paper Essay Topic: The Breadwinner There are many obvious differences seen from an outside perspective of Amiss and Australian society, but when looked at in more detail similarities in structure, roles and decision making appear. The Amiss society comes from a line of strict tradition and tight knit farming communities, whose values have changed little over time whereas as Australia is a post-industrial society which is constantly advancing in technology, culture and (something about the rights of women). The Amiss society is one that is much closed off and segregated from the wider world, their almost non-existent reliance on the society around them has limited their exposure to outside influences. The whole base of their identity is generated by an unwavering faith in God, as a result of this religion touches all aspects of their daily lives. The Orotund, a set of guidelines for religious Amiss living, dictates not only what they can wear but the way in which they perform tasks such as what tools can be used to plough your farm and what foods you can put in your meals. Although religion is an influential part of Australian society it takes nothing to the extent of the Amiss people with the Orotund. Australia is a widely multicultural society which cultures and values are derived from those of the people who migrated there, the variety in restaurants, religion and clothing style a direct reflection of the many influences brought to Australia. The essence of Amiss society is simple and mono-influential, a path to god, whereas the essence to Australian society is influenced by the many us vestures within. Due to the only influence of religion, the Amiss hinge all decision makings on the practices of the Rounding. It is perceived that the decision made by God, is the righteous and moral path and every decision is cogitated with the help of the lord. Consulting something or someone before decision making is seen in both societies as an Amiss person might consult their parents, the bishop or minister to find the virtuous decision, an Australian person would also consult a trusted person whose experience they value such as a parent or grandparent. The difference seen in decision making stems from how the societies allocate the responsibility of decision making. Amiss society have a strict hierarchy system that denotes the power from God to bishop then ministers, deacons, men, women then children. This dictation of power changes the life of a family as the father is solely responsible for the decision making within the household and male ministers and bishops make the decisions they think will benefit the community and please God. This is not reflected in Australian society as it values the importance Of the right to make decisions that affect oneself and the freedom of choice. Although many thing may influence a person in Australian societys session, money, partners and family, there is no authority that can make a decision for you, a husband doesnt make decisions for a wife and the church doesnt make a decision for you. This is seen as a critical necessity in Australian society, as liberation and rights are a value cherished by all but is not viewed as fundamental value in Amiss society. Authority in Amiss society also comes under the umbrella of religion, the Orotund dictates who has the power and authority and in what areas it can be exercised. Only men are allocated positions of power and there are no requirements for training Geiger education or theological training. This idea is not returned at all in Australian society, since the 1945 womens right movement women in Australia have been gaining power not only in the home but in the workplace and the business world and the liberation of women is seen as one of the proudest moments in Australian history for women. Ministers and Bishops in Amiss society are nominated by members of the church and chosen in a process that incorporates divine intervention and do not require any training for these positions, this may be a result of the low level of conventional cooling as well as the prohibition on high school and college education. This however is thoroughly encouraged in Australian society as higher level Of qualifications lead to generally higher regarded jobs and people are elected in positions of power based on their qualifications and appeal to the people. Amiss society is based on humbleness and simplicity and believe power will lead to pride and the abuse of power and Australian is a more liberal society denoting power based on qualification and democracy. Power and Authority is closely linked to the roles in an Amiss society. Within the household a man s the breadwinner, in charge of decisions and daily running of the family within the rules of the Orotund. He and his sons run the business or the farm while the women cook, clean and watch over small children during the day. This is not unusual to the Australian household, up until the revolution of womens rights the Amiss family structure mirrored that of an Australian family. Traditionally the Australian husband went out and provided for the family while the wife stayed home and catered to his needs. In modern Australia this is no longer custom, Australia has grown to a very anthropometry society with the rise of different home situations not seen in the Amiss community such as single parents and same sex couples. The roles have changed with many more women in the workplace and the slow acceptance of stay at home dads, it has become a choice made by each family and many variations are seen. When observed thoroughly in micro, mess and macro levels Amiss and Australian societies have fundamental similarities including historical gender role allocation and the influences for decision making.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Aaron Burr Essays - Politics Of The United States, United States

Aaron Burr Essays - Politics Of The United States, United States Aaron Burr I. Introduction The events surrounding the Burr Conspiracy were among the first tests of the effectiveness of the United States democracy. II. Aaron Burr Aaron Burr was born in Newark New Jersey on February 6, 1756, and Burr was educated at what is now Princeton University. Burr joined the Continental Army in 1775, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Burr was appointed attorney general of New York in 1789 and served as a United States senator from 1791 to 1797 (Onager CD-ROM). In the Election of 1800, Aaron Burr was the running mate of Republican candidate Thomas Jefferson. Although Burr was running for vice-president, he received as many votes as Jefferson did, and the House of Representatives chose Jefferson as president. After Burrs term as vice-president was over and he lost the race for the governorship of New York, Burr fought Alexander Hamilton in a duel in Weekawhen, New Jersey, on July 11,1804. Aaron Burr killed his political rival, Alexander Hamilton, and his credibility as a politician in that duel. Shortly after the duel, Aaron Burr became involved in a plot known as the Burr Conspiracy. After the scheme was discov ered by Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr was arrested for treason. Burr was acquitted after a six-month trial on September 1, 1807. III. Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton was born as an illegitimate child on the Island of Nevis on January 11, 1757. Alexander Hamilton was educated at what is now Columbia University. Hamilton served as a soldier and Washingtons personal secretary during the Revolutionary War. After the Revolutionary War, he studied law in New York and served in the Continental Congress from 1782-1783(Onager CD-ROM). In 1787 Hamilton helped ratify the Constitution in New York, and wrote many of the 85 essays known as the Federalist Papers. In 1789, George Washington appointed Hamilton as the first Secretary of Treasury. As the Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton devised plans that funded national debts, assumed the states Revolutionary War debts, and established the First National Bank of the United States. Hamilton also influenced many key Federalists in the House of Representatives to make Thomas Jefferson president in the Election of 1800, and was killed in a duel in 1804. IV. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was born in Shadwell, Virginia in 1743. Jefferson studied law at the College of William and Mary and became a moderately- successful lawyer. Jefferson served in the House of Burgesses from 1768 to 1775. Jefferson took an active part in the American Revolution. Jefferson wrote a list of grievances known as the Summary of the View of the Rights of British America, he was a Virginian delegate in the First Continental Congress, and wrote the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson became the Governor of Virginia in 1779, and wrote the Notes on the State of Virginia in 1785. Jefferson became a delegate in France in 1785. After Jeffersons return to America he became the Secretary of State. Jefferson became the vice-president in 1796 and became the President of the United States in the Election of 1800. Jefferson was re-elected in 1804, and the Burr Conspiracy took place during Jeffersons second term. V. Election of 1800 In the Election of 1800, President John Adams and Charles Pickney were the Federalist candidates, and the Republicans nominated Thomas Jefferson for president and Aaron Burr for vice-president. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr each polled the same number of votes in the Electoral College because the electors didnt specify, in voting for Jefferson or Burr, which one was president or vice-president. As a result, Jefferson and Burr had the same number of votes for president, and the tie would have to be broken in the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives was dominated by Federalists who had to choose one of the two Republican candidates to be President of the United States. In order to become president one of the candidates had to receive the support of the majority of the state representatives. Alexander Hamilton disliked Thomas Jefferson, but he disliked Aaron Burr more. Hamilton persuaded many key Federalists in the House of Representatives to vote for Jefferson, and Jefferson became the President of the United States. VI. Jeffersons Aims Jefferson was a Republican. Jefferson favored the power of states rights over a strong

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Summary of Durkheims Division of Labor in Society

A Summary of Durkheim's 'Division of Labor in Society' French philosopher Emile Durkheims book The Division of Labor in Society (or De la Division du Travail Social) debuted in 1893. It was Durkheim’s first major published work, and it is the one in which he introduced the concept of anomie or the breakdown of the influence of social norms on individuals within a society. At the time, The Division of Labor in Society was influential in advancing sociological theories and thought. The Division of Labors Major Themes In the book, Durkheim discusses how the division of labor- the establishment of specified jobs for specific people- benefits society because it increases the reproductive capacity of a process and the skill set of the workmen. It also creates a feeling of solidarity among people who share those jobs. But, Durkheim says, the division of labor goes beyond economic interests: In the process, it also establishes social and moral order within a society. The division of labor can be effectuated only among members of an already constituted society, he argues. To Durkheim, the division of labor is in direct proportion to the moral density of a society. Density can happen in three ways: through an increase of the spatial concentration of people, through the growth of towns, or through an increase in the number and efficacy of the means of communication. When one or more of these things happen, says Durkheim, labor begins to become divided, and jobs become more specialized. At the same time, because tasks grow more complex, the struggle for meaningful existence becomes more strenuous. A major theme of the book is the difference between developing and advanced civilizations and how they perceive social solidarity. Another focus is how each type of society defines the role of law in resolving breaches in that social solidarity. Social Solidarity Durkheim argues that two kinds of social solidarity exist: mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity connects the individual to society without any intermediary. That is, society is organized collectively and all members of the group share the same set of tasks and core beliefs. What binds the individual to society is what Durkheim calls the collective consciousness, sometimes translated as conscience collective, meaning a shared belief system. With organic solidarity, on the other hand, society is more complex, a system of different functions united by definite relationships. Each individual must have a distinct job or task and a personality that is his own. Here, Durkheim was speaking specifically about men. Of women, the philosopher said: Today, among cultivated people, the woman leads a completely different existence from that of man. One might say that the two great functions of the psychic life are thus dissociated, that one of the sexes takes care of the effective functions and the other of intellectual functions. Framing individuals as men, Durkheim argued that individuality grows as parts of society grow more complex. Thus, society becomes more efficient at moving in sync, yet at the same time, each of its parts has more movements that are distinctly individual. According to Durkheim, the more primitive a society is, the more it is characterized by mechanical solidarity. The members of an agrarian society, for example, are more likely to resemble each other and share the same beliefs and morals. As societies become more advanced and civilized, the individual members of those societies become more distinguishable from one another. People are managers or laborers, philosophers or farmers. Solidarity becomes more organic as those societies develop their divisions of labor. The Role of Law Durkheim also discusses law extensively in this book. For him, the laws of a society are the most visible symbol of social solidarity and the organization of social life in its most precise and stable form. Law plays a part in a society that is analogous to the nervous system in organisms, according to Durkheim. The nervous system regulates various bodily functions so they work together in harmony. Likewise, the legal system regulates all the parts of society so that they work together in agreement. Two types of law are present in human societies and each corresponds to the type of social solidarity those societies use. Repressive law corresponds to the center of common consciousness and everyone participates in judging and punishing the perpetrator. The severity of a crime is not measured necessarily as the damage incurred to an individual victim, but rather gauged as the damage it caused the society or the social order as a whole. Punishments for crimes against the collective are typically harsh. Repressive law, says Durkheim, is practiced in mechanical forms of society. Restitutive Law as Restoration The second type of law is restitutive law, which instead focuses on the victim since there are no commonly shared beliefs about what damages society. Restitutive law corresponds to the organic state of society and works through the more specialized bodies of society, such as the courts and lawyers. This also means that repressive law and restitutory law vary directly with the degree of a society’s development. Durkheim believed that repressive law is common in primitive, or mechanical, societies where sanctions for crimes are typically made and agreed upon by the whole community. In these lower societies, crimes against the individual do occur, but in terms of seriousness, those are placed on the lower end of the penal ladder. Crimes against the community take priority in such societies, according to Durkheim, because the evolution of the collective conscious is widespread and strong while the division of labor has not yet happened. The more a society becomes civilized and the division of labor is introduced, the more restitutory law takes place. Historical Context Durkheim wrote his book at the height of the industrial age. Then, how people fit into Frances new social order surfaced as a principal source of trouble for the rapidly industrial society. The pre-industrial social groups comprised family and neighbors, but as the Industrial Revolution continued, people found new cohorts at their jobs, creating new social groups with coworkers. Dividing society into small labor-defined groups, says Durkheim, required an increasingly centralized authority to regulate relations between the different groups. As a visible extension of that state, law codes needed to evolve as well, to maintain the orderly operation of social relations by conciliation and civil law rather than by penal sanctions. Durkheim based his discussion of organic solidarity on a dispute he had with Herbert Spencer, who claimed that industrial solidarity is spontaneous and that there is no need for a coercive body to create or maintain it. Spencer believed that social harmony is simply established by itself, an idea with which Durkheim disagreed. Much of this book, then, involves Durkheim arguing with Spencer’s stance and pleading his own views on the topic. Criticism Durkheims primary objective was to evaluate the social changes related to industrialization and to better understand its ills. But British legal philosopher Michael Clarke argues that Durkheim fell short by lumping a variety of societies into two groups: industrialized and non-industrialized. Durkheim didnt see or acknowledge the wide range of non-industrialized societies, instead imagining industrialization as the historical watershed that separated goats from sheep. American scholar Eliot Freidson pointed out that theories about industrialization tend to define labor in terms of the material world of technology and production. Freidson says that such divisions are created by an administrative authority without consideration of the social interaction of its participants. American sociologist Robert Merton noted that as a positivist, Durkheim adopted the methods and criteria of the physical sciences to examine the social laws that arose during industrialization. But physical sciences, rooted in nature, simply cant explain the laws that have arisen from mechanization. The Division of Labor also has a gender problem, according to American sociologist Jennifer Lehman. She argued that Durkheims book contains sexist contradictions. Durkheim conceptualizes individuals as men but women as separate and non-social beings. By using this framework, the philosopher entirely missed out on the role of women have played in both industrial and pre-industrial societies. Sources Clarke, Michael. Durkheims Sociology of Law. British Journal of Law and Society 3.2 (1976): 246–55. Print.Durkheim, Emile. On the Division of Labor in Society. Trans. Simpson, George. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1933. Print.Freidson, Eliot. The Division of Labor as Social Interaction. Social Problems 23.3 (1976): 304–13. Print.Gehlke, C. E. Rev. . Columbia Law Review 35.4 (1935): 643–44. Print.of On the Division of Labor in Society, Emile Durkheim, George SimpsonJones, Robert Alun. Ambivalent Cartesians: Durkheim, Montesquieu, and Method. American Journal of Sociology 100.1 (1994): 1–39. Print.Kemper, Theodore D. The Division of Labor: A Post–Durkheimian Analytical View. American Sociological Review 37.6 (1972): 739–53. Print.Lehmann, Jennifer M. Durkheims Theories of Deviance and Suicide: A Feminist Reconsideration. American Journal of Sociology 100.4 (1995): 904–30. Print.Merton, Robert K. Durkheims Division of Labor in Society. American Journal of Sociology 40.3 (1934): 319–28. Print.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Giovanni Carestini Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Giovanni Carestini - Research Paper Example In the period of late baroque, newly introduced genres and techniques were enhanced and expanded: the range of musical instruments was expanded, music forms evolved owing to efforts of composers, vocal techniques were developed. Such prominent composers like Vivaldi, Scarlatti, Bach, Telemann, Corelli and many others created the precious music legacy of the epoch. Among them, there was the most famous court composer of German origin, George Friedrich Handel, who granted special attention to vocal genres in his works. Having composed the first oratorio in 1708 , Handel became engaged in working with vocal genres for the rest of his life. Vocal techniques and styles, in their turn, became more exquisite and complex in Baroque era, and – as Pleasants wrote, 1720’s – 1740’s signified the first golden age of singing in the 18th century . Particularly, a variety of male and female singers performing in the period of late Baroque demonstrated magnificent ornament ation and impressing vocal range. Moreover, Baroque traditions introduced homophony – a type of polyphony, emphasizing a leading voice with help of accompanying ones – and unobtrusiveness of accompaniment. As composers became interested in making voice the central figure in certain genres, the new form of musical thinking emerged: the vocal part should be supported and complemented in a subtle way, which would point it out and lay emphasis on the verbal message it conveyed. Thus, the composers attached much importance to composition of vocal parts.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing of Human Resource at Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing of Human Resource at Starbucks - Essay Example In 1999, Schultz stepped down as CEO in favor of Smith and had given him the authority. Gareth (1998, p. 38) states: Particular attention was focused on the idea of making employees feel more useful and important by giving them meaningful jobs and giving as much autonomy, responsibility and recognition as possible as a means of getting them involved in their work. The duty of any good and successful leader or manager is to create a work environment that is effective to growth. The leaders who are ready to work in teams with an appropriate level of command and authority of making decisions are considered to be successful in motivating and raising the need amongst the employees to achieve the goals. The statement that is being provided by the company's CEO clearly showed that he has faith in himself and is confident that he would lead the company to a much higher level with a teamwork and authority because the managers or supervisors need to be authoritative in their decisions in order to lead a team. Kroom (1995, p. 355) suggests that, 'authority can be considered the managers right to act.' Leadership approach at Starbucks seemed to be of democratic style. ... Theories of Leadership at Starbuck Leadership approach at Starbucks seemed to be of democratic style. The leaders or supervisors of the company provides their subordinates with the prospect to work under their leadership and make them make the most of their potential fully by letting them play a part in the decision making process and planning phase. They believe that the most successful innovation came out from their employees and by giving them the authority to bring about their job make the employees feel esteemed and honored. McGregor proposed a theory which became a base for leadership. According to him the manager or supervisor categorize their employees in two distinct groups of human behavior, namely Theory X and Theory Y. Kroom (1995, p. 357) write that, 'the way in which manager or supervisor leads his subordinates is determined to a large degree, by his assumptions about human behavior.' Theory X is considered to have those people who are not ready to do any work, very lethargic and lazy and are controlled by their supervisors. On the other hand, in Theory Y, the human behavior of the people is positive towards the work and is very keen and enthusiastic in fulfilling the job. 'Theory Y which is a positive view, people are willing to work, will enforce self-control if they have committed themselves to objectives and will accept responsibilities.' (Kroom 1995, p. 357). The leadership style that is being used at Starbucks by the manager or supervisor is democratic management style. They gave empowerment to their employees and encouraged innovativeness. The employees mostly lie under Theory Y and have positive attitude towards their objectives. It is to believe at Starbucks that by implementing ideas by the employees gave them a sense of contribution and was

Civil management is an important aspect in the success of organization Essay

Civil management is an important aspect in the success of organization - Essay Example It is in this regard that this paper is written. Management of organization is becoming an increasingly daunting task in the contemporary times, this is due to the ever advancing business world and business technology leading to ambiguity, uncertainty and complexities of organization. Effective internal management of an organization demands that people and facilities in the organization are managed well. This introduces the concept of organizational behavior which involves how people within the organization react to changes, decisions and practices of management by managers. It is also important to have human skills in order to incorporate the views of other people and manage them well; this will also ensure that the people work towards a common goal within the organization (Pitsis, Clegg & Kornberger, 2011, p 29). Therefore, critical management is determined to harmonize the workplace, through ensuring that the employees and facilities are managed well and working conditions improve d. In order to ascertain this, managers need to rely on management theory and practice in order to deal with the uncertainties of organizations. These management theories and practices deal with construction of models based on observations, to try and manage business activities (Carr, 2000, pp. 210). In addition, the practices of management also deals real life experiences of the manager within an organization. This paper therefore seeks to critically evaluate the impact of uncertainty on how the organization is managed through culture leadership, structure, control, and empowerment. Additionally, the paper will demonstrate a critical understanding of management practice and theory, ability to identify and evaluate vital assumptions in the ideology of management, and analyze and evaluate organization and management theory and appraise the application of management theory in organizational contemporary contexts. Uncertainties of organization Organizations are faced majorly by uncerta inty challenges; this impact on their production and performance levels. Uncertainty as an element in managing organizations involves risks and unpredictability of the organization’s future events. This may include surprises in employee performance which could either lead to losses or profits within the organization (Renn, Klinke & Asselt, 2011, pp. 3). As a newly recruited manager assigned the duty of dealing with uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity situations, one is expected to identify and evaluate the key assumptions of management ideology and apply the management and organization theory in handling the concerns in the contemporary context. A junior manager is expected to use the â€Å"box paradox†, in order to come up with new management strategies that will ensure organizational growth and retain the identity and founding values of the organization (Clampitt & Williams 1999, p 6). The junior manager will have to â€Å"think outside the box† and acknowl edge the constraints of the â€Å"organizational box† in order to achieve growth and development of the organization and handle the complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty prevailing in the organizatio

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Plasmodium Falciparum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Plasmodium Falciparum - Essay Example The last is becomes infected in this way. All stages of malarial plasmodium development taking place in the body of the carrier – in a human, a bird and a mosquito. Such Sporozoa sporozoites are developed in the body of the mosquito and further transmitted to birds or human with saliva from the mosquito`s bite. Life cycle and transmission. The life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum is associated with changes of hosts. One part of the life cycle takes place in the human body where the parasites reproduce asexually; the second part occurs in the body of a specific carrier of malaria – female mosquito Anopheles, where plasmodium reproduces sexually (Dantzler et al.). Therefore, for Plasmodium falciparum, the human is an intermediate carrier, and the female Anopheles mosquito is the final host. Infection by Plasmodium falciparum occurs during sucking blood of patients with malaria and then mosquito infects another person by introducing parasites with its saliva during the bite. Via infected mosquito`s saliva the sporozoites enter the bloodstream of host and within 30-40 min get into a place of primary localization – into the liver cells (Dantzler et al.). There takes place an intracellular parasite asexual reproduction called tissue (exoerythrocytic) schizogony. From each of spo rozoites, a several thousand merozoites are formed. Further, they destroy hepatocytes and released into the bloodstream. The duration of this period is about 6-9 days. Merozoites penetrate into erythrocytes and thus begin the blood stage with trophosoite formation and erythrocytic schizogony (Wright and Rayner). In erythrocytes cells, the trophozoite is consistent passes through the ring, amoebic, mature trophozoite, schizont and merozoite stages. During schizogony, in erythrocytes occurs the formation of schizonts. Further, each schizont gives a rise to the several dozen of small merozoites

Principals of Finance for the Public Sector Essay

Principals of Finance for the Public Sector - Essay Example This paper will review some of the current issues facing the health care sector. Also, it will look at some of the policies being implemented with their impact on public finance. Health care cover is needed the world over to ensure that there is access to quality health care. Health care cover requires that all members of a region get access to medical facilities. This implies that there is the provision of medical services to people provided they come from that region. In many developed countries, today, it is possible to find that every citizen receives health care benefits without too much money required. The United States is among the developed countries that does not have this for its citizens (Gunnar, 2007, p. 45). This has often been a subject of debate for the nation, and its delegates. There are principles that govern the running of finance when it comes to the health care reform. One of these principles is medical coverage for all the citizens in a country to ensure the improved state of health of all people. This means that, for all government servants, it is vital to have medical cover to ensure that they are taken care of when they fall sick, or are in need of medical care (Gunnar, 2007, p. 56). It helps individuals whenever a situation arises that may need urgent medical attention. Another principle is the provision of medical health care to all citizens without the presence of any financial barriers. This is for citizens within the borders of a country. This principle ensures that citizens in a country enjoy affordable medical care for their medical problems. To make sure that they get this without bias or discrimination, there have been forums that address the plight of minority groups in countries. For example, in the United States, there are forums that seek to speak on the dilemma of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Second Assignment PS 321 Introduction to Political Economy

Second PS 321 Introduction to Political Economy - Assignment Example In political science, it simply implies the level of actors at which a researcher will aggregate the data. In any study, the choice of actors or the unit of analysis has a bearing on the final generalization that is given by a study. In this perspective, the emergence of fallacies on the conclusion of a study will be as a result of not properly identifying the unit of analysis. In a study about the geopolitics of a country, for instance, the focus of the research could be trade relations. The selection of the actors in this study due to the interest and ideas about the actor could lead to a level of complications like cross referencing or fallacies (Babbie 2013). This article examines the possible set of units that relate to a research question about the geopolitics of China and its international partners in trade. Specifically, the units of analysis that relate to the research are discussed in details. It also observes the relevance of the units of analysis that will be selected for the investigation on the topic. Depending on the research question and the motivation of the researcher, the development of the appropriate actors or even the units of analysis could be difficult or just impossible. In this case, the use of cross-referencing is used to create a correlation of the available information to the unit of analysis that has been selected. The difficulty in obtaining the data about the unit of study may also lead to the absence of this ambiguity which seldom happens, the choice of the unit of study is simplified. Problems like the ecological fallacy that results from using data that is meant for a group to make generalization is avoided. In the case of geopolitical analysis of China and the trade relations, the major unit of analysis is the country which is China. This choice is provoked by the fact that much of the data that will be collected on the topic for purposes of analysis will have to do

Principals of Finance for the Public Sector Essay

Principals of Finance for the Public Sector - Essay Example This paper will review some of the current issues facing the health care sector. Also, it will look at some of the policies being implemented with their impact on public finance. Health care cover is needed the world over to ensure that there is access to quality health care. Health care cover requires that all members of a region get access to medical facilities. This implies that there is the provision of medical services to people provided they come from that region. In many developed countries, today, it is possible to find that every citizen receives health care benefits without too much money required. The United States is among the developed countries that does not have this for its citizens (Gunnar, 2007, p. 45). This has often been a subject of debate for the nation, and its delegates. There are principles that govern the running of finance when it comes to the health care reform. One of these principles is medical coverage for all the citizens in a country to ensure the improved state of health of all people. This means that, for all government servants, it is vital to have medical cover to ensure that they are taken care of when they fall sick, or are in need of medical care (Gunnar, 2007, p. 56). It helps individuals whenever a situation arises that may need urgent medical attention. Another principle is the provision of medical health care to all citizens without the presence of any financial barriers. This is for citizens within the borders of a country. This principle ensures that citizens in a country enjoy affordable medical care for their medical problems. To make sure that they get this without bias or discrimination, there have been forums that address the plight of minority groups in countries. For example, in the United States, there are forums that seek to speak on the dilemma of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hardest Victory Essay Example for Free

Hardest Victory Essay It is well known that man’s every desire comes forth, not from the mind, but from the core of his heart. It is this very heart that compels him to seek and fulfill those desires; be it moral or immoral in nature. From day one, man has sought to accomplish every single want that finds its way into his heart and he seldom offers any resistance against these. He may be all powerful and mighty when it comes to his daily hurdles but his weakness is evident in the fact that he cannot control and conquer the spirit in him that unceasingly demands more and more; the spirit against which, obtaining victory is nearly impossible. This is exactly the message Aristotle, through philosophical knowledge, has made an attempt to convey, to not only you or me but to all of us; a message stating, that the hardest victory is victory over the self. Indeed, Aristotle was right when he spoke about victory over one’s self being the hardest to obtain. Very often, it so happens, that despite the attempts made, one is unable to understand himself. He is left with no clue about who he is, where he is and most importantly, what he wants in life. This has resulted in him being uncertain and doubtful about his basic needs and so called luxuries. He is blinded by passions that may or may not be in his capability to achieve. But he is unaware that in his attempts to achieve these passions at any cost, he is loosing a battle against his greedy spirit; what he doesn’t know is that he has given himself to materialistic elements – elements that will only pull him down, making it harder for him to ‘breathe’ and live with ease – it will only make it more difficult for him to conquer that spirit, that big hurdle, that comes in his way to being truly victorious; a sight which is not all that common in the generation of today; because this present generation is a goal oriented and career driven kind that has given rise to numerous problems and various dilemmas due to its striving nature. At this point of time, it would only be right to say, that in order to be a true winner, man has got to learn that there is only one war to be fought; it is this war that determines the result of his success. This war is not symbolically a political or religious one, but signifies one that is personal and within one’s self. One must realize that in order to achieve success, it is necessary to surmount and do away with the desires of his mortal heart. Only then is he capable of acquiring the victory that was, is and will forever be the dream of scores of people who have come and are to come into this world. To conclude and leave you pondering, it would be best to impart to you a statement I happen to recall, a statement made by Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu; a statement that goes like this He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Reputation of Alton Towers

The Reputation of Alton Towers Introduction Over the last decade, there has been a drastic change in the way in which consumers communicate with brands (Giannini, 2011). Instead of one-way communication in which companies present unsolicited information about brands and products through advertisements and promotion messages in the market place, they seek information when they are ready to participate in a dialogue and become part of a mutually beneficial community comprising of marketers and consumers (Giannini, 2011). Public relations is the field which emphasises the importance of two way brand relationship using both traditional and new media channels (Butterick, 2011). This essay focuses upon how Alton Towers Resorts can use the aspects of public relations as part of its marketing efforts to recover its damaged reputation which has caused it a significant loss in revenue due to the crash of Smiler roller-coaster in 2015. Significance of Trust Developing trust with the consumers contributes towards sustaining a needed market share and profitability in the long term (Giannini, 2011). Enhanced consumer trust in brands also contributes towards generating greater consumer satisfaction market place (Giannini, 2011). Alton Towers, which is the UKs most favourite and number one theme park (BBC, 2015), has enjoyed good consumer trust for years. Alton Towers has always taken the health and safety of its guests very seriously and consequently it has the best health and safety records among all the theme parks in the UK (Layton, 2015). All its rides are subject to thorough safety assessments undertaken by specialist maintenance engineers in line with strict procedures (Layton, 2015). The company also undertakes training of its employees and conducts regular health and safety audits (Layton, 2015). It has an excellent first aid care service and an on-site responder team trained by West Midlands Ambulance Service (Layton, 2015). Result antly, the company delivers 12.6 million individual rides every season (Layton, 2015). However, the reputation of Alton Towers following the accident of its Smiler roller-coaster ride in June 2015 has been damaged significantly. The accident resulted in several people being seriously injured and led to the temporary closure of the theme park (BBC, 2015). The accident had an adverse effect on its trading at the beginning of an important summer season (Schram, 2015). The company estimated that its half-year profit is expected to drop between 43%-54% from last years  £87m to  £40m- £50m this year (Schram, 2015). The suspension of market activity across all the other visitors attractions owned by Merlin the owner of Alton Towers also had a strong negative impact on the sales (Schram, 2015). Public Relations Strategy In order to recover the damaged reputation of the brand, Alton Towers needs to deploy a public relations campaign to engage with the public rather than run a marketing campaign. Public relations campaign enable organisations to respond to a business challenges such as the one faced by Alton Towers in the aftermath of Smiler roller-coaster accident rather than simply produce favourable media coverage. Smith (2013) asserts that public relations theories primarily identify a four-phase process for devising and implementing a public relations campaign. Public relations theorists have summarised these as: (1) the RACE acronym (research, actions, communication and evaluation); (2) the ROPE acronym (research, objectives, planning, and evaluation); (3) and the RAISE acronym (research, action, implementation, strategy, evaluation) (Kendall, 1997; Hendrix and Hayes, 2010). All these theories revolve around the basic four-phase model which involves (1) analysing the environment, (2) identific ation of audiences and objectives, (3) development of a strategic approach and (4) development of the implementation plan (Smith, 2013). Smith (2013) has combined all these theories to offer a comprehensive strategic planning framework for public relations campaign comprising of the above four basic phases. It is as follows: Formative Research Analysing the situation Analysing the organisation Analysing the publics Strategy Establishing goals and objectives Formulating action and response strategies Developing the message strategy Tactics Selecting communication tactics Implementing the strategic plans Evaluating Research Evaluating the strategic plan (Smith, 2013 p.16) Formative Research In the above, the background of the company and the situation and its impact upon the image of the brand and its revenue has briefly analysed. Therefore, it is now imperative to analyse the publics or the stakeholders that are to be affected by the public relations campaign. The identification of the publics will enable the marketers to select a suitable channel of media to best engage the audience (Baines, et al. 2007). Publics are defined as a group of people having a common interest and values in a particular situation (Reddi, 2009). In public relations, publics are a group of persons, especially one that is interested in or affected by an action or an idea of an organisation (Reddi, 2009 p. 68). In this instance, publics comprise of all the active audience who are connected, however loosely, by some common concern which has consequences for Alton Towers (Hallahan, 2000; Reddi, 2009). Public relations theorists have identified a basic set of publics or stakeholders which are applicable to most organisations. For instance, Baines, et al (2007) have identified the following groups of publics: Employees Potential Employees Suppliers of goods Distributors Customers Financial markets Opinion leaders and formers The community Other publics Reddi (2009) has identified some additional groups as: Media public International public Friedman (2006) further adds the following stakeholders: Competitors Government, regulators and policy makers From these groups of publics, the main focus of Alton Towers public relations campaign should be the external stakeholders from the general population, such as the (1) community, (2) customers (individuals, companies, schools, etc.), (3) media public, (4) financial markets (including investors) (5) opinion leaders and formers (5) other publics such as those affected by the accident, and (6) government and policy makers. The reason behind this selection is that apart from the recent Smiler roller-coaster accident, Alton Towers has one of the best track record of ensuring safety and health which is presumably well recognised by the internal stakeholders such as employees, distributors, suppliers, etc. The current challenge pertains to regain the trust of external public within the wider population, which has been distorted by the increased focus of commentators on a single incident. In order to make the campaign most effective, Alton Towers should prioritise its publics if in case it is faced by the constraints of budgets and resources. Prioritising the public can help a company to run an effective campaign even within a tight budget (Baines, et al. 2007). The publics of Alton Towers can be prioritised through the power/interest matrix. Strategy The second phase of the public relations campaign relates to formulating objectives, actions and message strategy. Pople and Turnbull, (2012), state that effective objectives should be SMART that is, specific, measurable, achievable, resourced and time-based. Furthermore, these objectives can be cognitive, affective and/or conative (Lantos, 2010). Cognitive objectives are those that relate to creating awareness about something and encourage people to think. Affective objectives are those that shape the attitude, opinion or feeling of the publics about an issue. Conative objectives encourage the audiences to act in a certain way (Lantos, 2010) (see figure 1). Figure 1 (Source: Lantos, 2010 p. 503) In order to overcome the challenge pertaining to the reputation of Alton Towers, the company can combine a set of cognitive, affective and conative SMART objectives for its public relations campaign. These are as follows: To enhance the awareness of the health and safety measures undertaken by the company in the UK by May 2016 to achieve a 50% growth in sales in the following summer season This is a cognitive objective aimed at encouraging the target audience to be assured that a trip to Alton Towers is safe and that the company takes every measure humanly possible to avert any untoward incident Rebuild the trust of public in thrill rides at visitors attractions and theme. Change the attitude of at least 100,000 members of the publics by May, 2016. This is an affective objective aimed at regaining the trust of skeptical people in thrill rides and its safety standards at Alton Towers. To generate the positive feedback of at least 100,000 people about the support provided by Alton Towers to those affected and physically impaired by incidents at Alton Towers and built an Alton Towers Cares image in the eyes of public. This is a conative objective which will encourage the public to provide their feedback over different forms of social media regarding Alton Towers pledges to support those affected by its rides. The message strategy of Alton Towers should be to convey that it is most committed to ensuring safety and health of its guests and that is does not leave any stone unturned in this regard. Acknowledging that accidents do occur in even in the safest environments, the company is very sympathetic towards those affected by its operations in case of any untoward incident. Tactics Once the objectives, actions and message strategy has been finalised, the next step is to determine the tactics through which the public relations campaign will contact and convince the target audiences. This entails choosing the most appropriate channel of communication through which to contact each of the target public (Gregory, 2010). Gregory (2010) asserts that the set of tactics used in any public relations campaign should engage the right number of public and get the desired message across to them in a reasonable cost. Out of the many tactics identified in the literature, the ones related to media relations , customer relations, community relations, and government relations are most suitable to the current campaign. Media Relations Marketing communications literature identifies several tactics for communicating a brands message to its target audience. Within these tactics, the ones related to media relations include press and video releases (Fill, 2011). Alton Towers should prepare and distribute a press/video release showcasing the preparations it makes for safety and health, training provided to its staff in this regard and the readiness of the company to overcome any untoward incidences to establish that the resort is a safe place for visitors. This tactic will cover the cognitive aspect of Alton Towers public relations campaign. The company can also inform the general public through media regarding its pledges for the support of the affected people. Customer Relations For managing customer relations, Alton Towers can utilise marketing communication tactics such as advertising, internet, social networks, new letters, direct mail, and media relations tactics (Fill, 2011). Advertisements: Celebrities endorsement Alton Towers can engage with celebrities and opinion leaders to visit the resort and project their endorsement through advertisements over television and social media to make consumers feel that a trip to Alton Towers is safe for themselves and their families. Social Media Alton Towers can arrange for celebrities and opinion leaders to post their photos of visits to the resort over social media. This tactic will cover the affective aspect of Alton Towers public relations campaign. Community Relations For community relations, direct involvement is the most effective marketing communication tactics (Fill, 2011). Direct Involvement Alton Towers can invite groups from local communities such as companies, schools and institutions to visit the resort and directly observe its commitment to safety and health. It is important to engage these groups to regain their trust in Alton Towers safety measures because these group are often conduct risks assessments before making any bookings at resorts such as Alton Towers. Government Relations Messages can be communicated to governments through official publications such as background material, literature and group briefings (Fill, 2011). Alton Towers can publish reports and literature about its safety procedures and measures to avert incidents; publish inquiry reports to ascertain the causes on any incidents for any concerned government department and regulatory bodies to ensure transparency for its operations and compliance with industry standards. Evaluation The last phase of the public relations campaign relates to evaluation of the strategies and tactics employed in the campaign to determine whether the stated objectives have been achieved (Michaelson and Stacks, 2011; Smith, 2013). The provisions of the SMART objectives have already provided measures to assess the success of the strategies and tactics. The success of this current public relations campaign will be measured against the achievement of a 50% growth in sales in the upcoming summer season in the year 2016; a positive change in attitude of at least 100,000 visitors towards thrill rides during the same period, and receiving at least 100,000 positive feedback for the companys support efforts for the affected people over various forms of social media. Conclusion The above public relations campaign can be effective in rebuilding the companys damaged reputations in the eyes of public following the accident of Smiler roller-coaster ride in June 2015. This public relations campaign can work hand in glove with Alton Towers marketing efforts to regain its lost market share and levels of profitability. References Baines, P., Egan, J and Jefkins, F. (2007) Public Relations. Oxford: Routledge. BBC (2015). Alton Towers rollercoaster crash causes Merlin profit warning. Available from Butterick, K (2011). Introducing Public Relations: Theory and Practice. London:Sage. Fill, C. (2011) Essentials of Marketing Communications, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall Friedman, A.L. and Miles, S. (2006). Stakeholders: Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press Giannini, G. (2011). Marketing Public Relations. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley. Gregory, A. (2013). Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns: A Strategic Approach. London: Kogan Page Publisher Hallahan, K. (2000) Inactive Publics: The Forgotten Publics in Public Relations. Public Relations Review 26(4): 499-515 Hendrix, J. and Hayes, D. (2010). Public relations cases (8Th ed.). Belmont: Thomson Learning. Kendall, R. (1997). Public Relations Campaign Strategies. New York: Addison-Wesley. Lantos, G (2010). Consumer Behavior in Action. New York: M E Sharpe Layton, J (2015). Thirty accidents at Alton Towers in three years, figures reveal. Birmingham Mail. Available from Michaelson, D and Stacks, D. (2011). Standardization in public relations measurement and evaluation. Public Relations Journal, 5, 7-8. Pople, A. and Turnbull, S. (2012). Advertising and Public Relations. Pearson, Harlow. Reddi, N. (2009). Effective Public Relations and Media Strategy. New Dehli: PHI Learning. Schram, B (2015). Alton Towers crash: Smiler ride accident dents Merlins sales. International Business Times. Available from Smith, R. (2013). Strategic Planning for Public Relations. New York: Routledge

Sunday, October 13, 2019

No Country for Old Men Essay -- Character Analysis, Sheriff Ed Tom Bel

Bitter about the evolution of the corruption of society, Sheriff Ed Tom Bell plays the official hero clinging to old traditions and reminiscing about the old days in No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy. Delusions of a peaceful utopia during the time his grandpa Jack was a sheriff has left Bell looking at the world through hopeless eyes; a world on its knees with only one explanation for its demise: Satan. Not necessarily a religious man, Sheriff Bell, when asked if he believes in Satan, remarks: â€Å"He explains a lot of things that otherwise don’t have no explanation. Or not to me they don’t† (218). Throughout No County for Old Men, Sheriff Bell is determined to save Llewellyn Moss in order to prove that justice can be served in a world now drenched in decay. Throughout the book and the film adaptation, the audience can see Sheriff Bell, a tormented old man, sink deeper into his bitterness and his hope sizzle away in the Texas heat. The book, No Country for Old Men, switches from first person to third person perspective; the first person perspective coming only from Sheriff Bell. It is with these first person accounts that the reader understands why Bell is saddened by the new world around him. He tells of a story he read in the newspaper about teachers answering a survey of what the biggest problems were with teaching in schools; the biggest problems these teachers could name were: â€Å"talking in class and running in hallways. Chewing gum. Copying homework.† The story in the paper then states that forty years later the survey was given to teachers and the biggest problems were: â€Å"Rape, arson, murder. Drugs. Suicide.† Bell is horrified by this story in the paper and is in disbelief when people tell him he is just â€Å"getting old† w... ... ultimate failure of not being able to protect Moss and his wife, Carla Jean, one can tell that the decision to quit irritates Bell more than anything when he accounts: â€Å"so you could say to me that I aint changed a bit† (282). Ellis reminds Bell about how his uncle Mac died: gunned down by Indians in the old days saying Mac came out with a shotgun. Ellis is letting Ed Tom know that things were violent even in the old days. Ultimately, Bell’s decision to quit is the opposite of what Moss decided to do when presented with the choice of quitting and Bell’s decision leaves him with his life. Bell’s wife, Loretta, asks him if he his quitting while he is ahead; Bell, whose rite of passage is written throughout the entire story and concludes that there is no country for old men, responds: â€Å"no mam I just aim to quit. I aint ahead by a damn sight. I never will be† (298).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Solar System Essay -- Astronomy

The universe was once a vast uncharted area; an area of the unknown. People looked up to the sky in wonder and awe, curious as to what was beyond Earth. What were those lights in the sky? Where did they come from? How did they get there? As time has passed, the universe made up of stars and planets has evolved. What we did not know before, we know now, our cosmos has changed immensely, transforming into what we now call our solar system. Before people had the knowledge and technology we have today, the heavenly skies were an area of endless speculation and inspiration. People from all around the world created their own myths and explanations about the cosmos and the celestial bodies within it. Roughly six thousand years in the past, the Sumerians had the belief that Earth lied in the center of the universe. The Babylonians and Greek civilizations further carried this same belief into their centuries, depicting the heavenly skies as a cosmos revolving around the earth. Looking back into history, the Greeks were the first to put forward the idea that planet Earth was a sphere (now known as an oblate ellipsoid). Then around 340 BC, a Greek philosopher named Aristotle made the discovery of a few of our most influential and fundamental theories that helped to further prove this idea. Aristotle first proposed that one always witnesses the sails of a ship approaching past the horizon first and then its framework. This suggested that the surface of the ocean must be curved and not flat as it was once thought to be. Secondly, Aristotle discovered that the eclipses of the moon were generated by the shadow that Earth casted on it. This further proved the point that if the Earth was flat, the shadow it casted upon the Moon would not app... ...years later that non-uniformity in the antediluvian commenced the formation of galaxies and ancient stars out of pouches of gas condensing due to gravity. Approximately five billion years ago, such pouches of gas that resided in a spiral channel of the MIlky Way Galaxy formed the Sun. An immense circle of gas and refuse that was whirling around the ancient Sun formed to the planets, Earth included, which is predictably 4.6 to 4.5 billion years old. Works Cited Adskin, Alaina. Humanities 242. Away we go!. N.p., 22 Feb. 2011. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. "Big Bang Theory - An Overview." All About Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. Cessna, Abby. "Heliocentric Model." Universe Today. N.p., 22 June 2009. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. "Isaac Newton." Scientists: Their Lives and Works. Gale, 2006. Gale Biography. Dec. 2011. "The Universe." The Big View. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2011.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Importance of Ignatius of Loyola Essay

In the year 1491, the future founder of the Jesuits was born in northern Spain. He would soon be known as Saint Ignatius of Loyola. By the time that he was fifteen he was already interested in to religion. When he got older he became a soldier. He would end up crushing his leg in battle by a cannon ball in the battle of Pamplona. Ignatius would soon go to college to be a teacher. And he achieved that goal. He would soon invent the Jesuits who were priests that would teach and go on missionaries. Ignatius’s goals were to become a strong church and to bring people back to Catholicism. He would soon accomplish it. Ignatius in order to become a strong again, you must have education to do that. That is when his spiritual exercises came into affect. He would teach the priests and the priests would teach the students. He would also create a constitution, so that everyone would stay good. And in 1556 he would be laid to rest. Ignatius of Loyola was important because, he founded the Jesuits, that would soon put their focus on education and missionary work. Ignatius founded the Society of Jesus in 1540; these members would soon be known as the Jesuits. The Jesuits were a group of priests that believed education was key to being successful. Ignatius was so high on education that every Jesuit had to be trained to be a scholar and clerics in case someday they would take over the Catholic Church (Simon 105). Ignatius wanted the Jesuits so well educated that he started his own school for the Seminarians since there were no Universities with high enough academic standards (Simon 105). Seminarians are professors that teach students. Ignatius of Loyola taught the Seminarians through his spiritual writings. So Ignatius decided that he would build a college that would meet his standards in grammar and human relations that is when he founded the Roman College in February 1551. He also had as many as 300 students sign up for the college the following year, and in 1552 Loyola also established the German College (Dalmases 355). Loyola does this so that he can show that the Jesuits are a good order of monks. He is trying to get more people to come and join the Jesuits. Ignatius made the Jesuits go to school for ten years before they could go and teach. They also had to go to mass once a day and were required to listen to seminars that were spoken in Latin. Loyola did this so that when they went out to be professors they were equipped with the right knowledge and they would know what they were doing. Ignatius did such a good job of teaching his students that people heard about them around the world. The Jesuits were so well known, that universities and schools recruited them. They ended up taking over the teaching in many universities teaching (Simon 105). The Jesuits liked to teach so much that by the 1600’s they had over eighty percent of the Jesuits being teachers. Therefore, Ignatius is an important man because of his works in education and his beliefs that knowledge is an important aspect in the Catholic Church. Another reason that Ignatius of Loyola is important is through his missionaries. Missionaries are people who are sent out to preach about what they believe in and try to get people to switch to their religion. In order to become a Jesuit you had to be willing to do what you told by your superiors. All the missionaries had to go to class to learn about what they  are to preach about (Broderick 904). â€Å"Part of Ignatius’ inspiration was his vision of the Society as carrying out the mission of Christ to defend and extend his kingdom throughout the world† (Meissner 211). Loyola had the missionaries go to many foreign areas such as Africa, Asia, India and many other countries. On of the best-known missionaries was Francis Xavier who traveled all around the East. Loyola knew so well what he was doing that by 1749 he had 3,276 people out being missionaries teaching about the Jesuits. That is one-seventh of the Jesuits. The Jesuits had such good missionary work that that they spread throughout five continents (Broderick 904). Ignatius and the Jesuits had one of the best orders, he not only sent missionaries around the world but he started orders that stayed in the countries and preached about the Jesuits and converted them over to the Catholic Church. Thus Ignatius of Loyola wanted to create a dominant order that would bring Catholicism back to order. The second point that makes Ignatius of Loyola important are his Spiritual writings, he did this by writing the Spiritual Exercises and Constitution. Loyola started writing the Spiritual Exercises after the battle of Pamplona. He started writing the book in 1521 and ended the book twenty-seven years later in 1548 (Lewis 578). Once the book was finished was printed out and used by all the Jesuits. â€Å"The first week in concentrated on with the sinful condition of man and the three other are taken up with the consideration of the life of Christ: His hidden life and public life, His Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension† (Lewis580). They would be told how to use the Spiritual Exercises. The way that they taught the Exercises were that they needed to give the students a summary explanation on what they were learning about. This would help the students to remember the material easier. Therefore, Ignatius made the Spiritual Exercises so that the Jesuits could learn and improve the knowledge of the Christ. The last reason that makes Ignatius of Loyola important was the Constitution. Ignatius created the Constitution after he founded the Jesuits in 1540. The Constitution is made up of a series of laws that consist of obedience, loyalty and respecting the Pope. When Ignatius set up the Constitution he knew that there would be changes in society and that the laws couldn’t stay  the same. So in 1558 the General Constitution made the law that you can adjust or modify the law, as long as there is no disagreement with Papal law (Ignatius 276). The Constitution ended up traveling allover the world with the missionaries and would set the standard for the Catholic Church. Consequently, Loyola wrote the Constitution so that if you became part of the Catholic Church that you would have to the follow the rules that were set. He also wrote them because if you wanted to be a Jesuit you needed to act in an orderly fashion. Ignatius founded the Jesuits and they would soon put their focus on the education and missionaries. Ignatius also was important through his spiritual writings; he did this by writing the Spiritual Exercises and Constitution. This is why Ignatius of Loyola was important because, he not only founded the Jesuits in 1540 but he emphasized on education. He was so interested in education that he started universities. The Jesuits were a major contribution in education around the world. Ignatius of Loyola thought that they needed to spread Catholicism, which is when he sent Jesuits on Missionaries. He would finally get job done by creating orders of monks around the world. He also has contributed the writings of the Spiritual Exercises and the Constitution. The Jesuits for knowledge and discipline look upon these two books. Works Cited Lewis, J. â€Å"Spiritual Exercises.† New Catholic Encyclopedia. 1967. De Dalmases, C â€Å"Saint Ignatius of Loyola.† New Catholic Encyclopedia. 1967. Meissner, W.W. Ignatius of Loyola. New Haven: Yale University Press 1992. Simon, Edith. The Reformation. New York: Time-Life Books, 1996 Ignatius. Ignatius of Loyola. Trans. George E. Ganass. New York: Paulist Press, 1991.